Chapter 23

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Clearly, I was the last one notified, because all of my family and all of Liam's family were already there. They said that the doctor went to go check on Liam, so we're all waiting around. They said they refused to let us see hi without the power of attorney here.

This is a lot of power.

I'm pacing around the waiting room.

I feel sick to my stomach. It's one in the morning now.

It's not settled in that shit is a reality yet.

I haven't seen him yet.

Another hour passes, and finally, a doctor walks in.

"Are you guys here for Liam Ashton?" he asks.

"Yes." Everyone stands up.

"How is he?" Mrs. Ashton asks.

He sighs. "I can't tell you guys anything without the power of attorney. I already broke the law by telling you he might not make it. I-"

"I'm the power of attorney." I cut him off.

He looks at me.

"Abigail?" he asks. I nod.

He hesitates. "Can I see your I.D?"

Frustrated, I hand it to him.

He nods.

"Well, his heart stopped."


"We restarted it."

I wanna slap the shit outta him.

That bloody cunt.

"He's breathing on his own, but if we take him off life support, his heart will stop. He's not brain dead. There's no swelling in his brain, but he has a blood clot in his artery restricting blood to his heart. If we don't operate, he will die."


"But, operation could cause him to die. In fact, there's about a ninety percent chance he'll die on the operating table. So, either you pull the plug now, or we operate, he most likely dies, and you guys are stuck paying a hefty hospital bill."


Everyone looks at me.

Nobody says anything.

He's a fucking dick.

"Operate." I say.

He looks shocked.

"You'd rather be paying a bill?"

"Yes." I say.

I'm shaking.

"I'd rather go for the ten percent and hope. I'm not going to give up on him. The fact that you think I would is sickening."

"Okay." he nods. "Alright."

"I wanna see him before you operate." I say quietly. "Unless time affects this."

"Well, time can affect it, but not by much, I mean-"

"Nevermind. Go."

"Right. Well, I'll be back."

He walks off.

Reality starts to set in.

Liam is in a coma.

He's getting heart surgery, and there's a ten percent chance he's going to live.

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