Chapter 33

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I moved into his apartment when we got home, and Rex is with us now, and he's so cute, but I feel bad because there isn't enough room for him.

"Hey love?" Liam calls from the kitchen.

I come out of the bedroom with my laptop.

I've not mentioned that house again, but I checked it's status every day.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure our family is going to kill the both of us if we don't go to your Grandmothers house tonight. Your Gran and Pop are still in town."

I nod.

"Okay. We can go. I'd rather keep us alive."

He smiles.


I don't move though, I just stand there with my laptop and watch him as he calls whoever back to tell them we'll be coming.

"Yeah Mom. No, we're looking. I'm not sure. I don't know, she's staring at me with her laptop right now." He laughs. "Okay, I love you too. Bye." He hangs up. "Alright love, what is it?"

"Liam, the house is still on the market." I mumble.

He takes the laptop from my hands.

"Alright." He kisses my cheek. "I'll call them and make an appointment or something."

"I'll do it." I say, grabbing my phone off the counter.

It's weird. Our banks are joined now, our phone plan, everything. We both make the car payments for both cars.

It's lovely. It's like we're a team.

"We've got an hour, and both of us have to shower. Maybe you should call them on the way over since we're probably going to be in the shower a while."

I almost drop my phone.

"Okay, let's go." I start pulling him toward the bedroom, into the bathroom.


We pull up at six fifteetn, and we were supposed to be here at five.

"Liam, they're gonna kill us. Think about last time they knew we were having sex instead of being with them?"

"This is different." He says. "We're fine. Come on."

Nervous, he grabs my hand and pulls me in the house.

"Ah, there you two are!" Mum says.

Everyone starts gushing and hugging us.

"Sorry we're late." I say quietly. "We were...busy."

"It's okay. We didn't expect you guys to be on time." Mum shrugs.

My cheeks start heating up. Liam snickers.

We all start talking, about the honeymoon. We omit the sex part and talk about how beautiful Fort Bragg is, how much fun it is there. The topic switches to houses.
"So, have you guys found a house yet?" Mr. Ashton says.

"Well, actually...we might-" Liam looks at me, emphasis on the might. "be moving to Brookings."

"Wait, really?" Dad asks.

Liam nods. "Abby found a house before we even got married and she's been mentally harassing me about it."

I laugh quietly.

"I want that house." I mumble.

"I know." He says, kissing my cheek. "We're going to look at it. Patience, love."

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