Chapter 16

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College started up again. We've been in for three months now. It's December. I'm making good money at this job. I love it and the people I work with. Willow is a cool person. I miss Liam though. Since he goes to work in Tampa and school in Tampa I never see him. He get's home around ten on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he's gotta be in Tampa for class at eight the next mornings. When he's not at school or work, he's sleeping.

I'm the same way honestly. I have the same school schedule has him.

He did find a place to stay. We text a lot and he's always saying he's having a hard time because he misses me.

When I get out of work today though, I have a paid two week vacation and so does Liam.

It's Christmas time.

Last time I saw him was Thanksgiving.

I'm so excited. The phones are hardly ringing today.

My boss comes walking in. Willow and I are good friends. She's with me working too.

"You all can leave early." He says. "Merry Christmas!"

I'm out of there in seconds.

I go speeding out of Tampa.

I'm so excited to see Liam.

As I'm speeding down the Courtney Campbell, my phone starts ringing.

I press answer on the radio.

"Hey babes."


"Hi." I smile.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Driving home. What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well, I got out of class early, so I'm at home getting changed, and then I'm coming over."

The excitement bubbles in my stomach.

"I'm so excited to see you." I grin.

"I know baby. This is going to be the best two weeks of my life."

I speed up a little bit.

The person in front of me slams on the breaks.

I slam on mine too, my tires squealing, and swerve around him, missing him by a hair.

That was a break test.

"What was that?" Liam demands.

"Just this bitch giving me a break test." I mutter. "I'm fine though."

"Abby, you should follow the speed limit."

"I'm only going a little over."

"What are you going?" He asks.

"Just a little over."

I know damn well I'm speeding big time.

My eyes flick to the speedometer. The bar hits eighty.

"If you're going any over fifty, you need to slow down.

"Okay." I say.

I slam on the breaks when the light changes red.

My tires squeal.

"Abby?" Liam asks.

"I'm okay." I say when my car comes to a halt. I get an incoming call. "Hey, Grandma is calling. I'll call you back."

I've seen my family and Liam's about two times since September.

It's December seventeenth.

I hang up on Liam and press answer for Grandma.

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