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for the rest of the week, everyone just bashed on me.

"you broke calums heart!"


"who do you think you are?"

"you dont even care about calums feelings!"

"i bet youre the one in the video"

it doesnt help that he sits next to me in every class.

i could feel him staring at me.

he passed me notes saying sorry and i replied with its ok.

what does this guy want?

i ignored him half of the time, while all the other girls calls dibs on him.

but hes with that brown haired girl, and almost everyones talking about them.

i occasionally see them walking together, he was smiling and laughing.

something was different though. he never smiled or laughed like that when i was with him. never, he seemed more... happy and less heartbroken.

i guess hes falling for her.

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