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suddenly a piece of paper was thrown onto my desk. the handwriting was a little messy, but i dont mind, as long as i can read it.

'help, these girls are kinda creeping me out + you were right about the whole miss slut thing -c' it read

of course i wrote back

'k, cant help you'

i hand him the note he looks at it and glares at me. i shrug and go back to the book.


the bell rings. its finally lunch. i get out of my seat and put my book in my bag.

"its lunch now right?" calum asks

"no, its time to wash a car while roasting a duck" i roll my eyes

"oh really? because that was my second guess" he scoffs

"good" i nod and start to walk out of the class room, calum trailing behind me

"wheres the cafeteria asshole" he asks

"its pretty big, its hard to miss" i stare at him blankly

"like my dick" he laughs

"wow, k, just k" i say, covering my mouth, laughing.

"you sound cute when you laugh" he compliments. i think thats a compliment, i dont know.

"wow she laughs. shes a slut. shes already with the new guy, its his first day too" i heard people whisper, my smile disappears in 0.2 seconds and i remove my hand from my face.

"and you need to make friends and leave me alone" i ignore his 'compliment'

"i thought we were friends" he glares

"i dont make friends" i glare back

"why n-" he starts

"anyway, the cafeteria is huge and it says 'cafeteria' on the building. period 6 is science, that building over there, the door thats open right now is the classroom for our class. i'll be off now" i point to the science building

"well, then, bye bitch" he waves me goodbye and i do the same. he walks off to the cafeteria, people walk up to him, talking to him on his way there.

i walk to the library. the foods disgusting here. so i never eat it.

sometimes mrs. kudo offers chips or cookies, which i gladly take. free chips or cookies, who wouldnt want that.

sarcastic girl - hoodWhere stories live. Discover now