Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Did you see the news?" I ask him from across the table at the restaurant we were eating at, not really wanting to bring it up but still doing it.

He finishes sipping his soda and replies, "Yes. It got me nervous."

I nod in agreement.

"It's really loud in here," I shout over the annoying people in the booth behind ours. They were a rather large family with kids who didn't really have a regard for manners.

"Yeah. Lots of people come here at this time to get drunk," he explains, pointing at a twenty something guy who's obviously not sober, trying to flirt with a girl who's obviously not interested.

I laugh and smile at him. Harry doesn't seem to notice my eye contact, but he looked so happy just people watching with me. Not as happy as the kid in the photograph, but pretty close.

Suddenly, I blurt out, "Ivy doesn't think we should be going out anymore."

"Why not?" he asks, snapping his head back around to look at me.

"I don't know. Something about how we're the bad guys. It's ridiculous, right?" I laugh, trying to make the moment happier.

He stays silent for a bit and then nods, "Um, yeah..."

"I'm sorry for even bringing it up," I laugh again, taking a sip of my Dandelion and Burdock. "She's just jealous, I think."

"Yeah," he says, not really paying attention to what I'm saying anymore, as if he's lost.

"Are you seriously considering it, Harry?" I snap at him.

"Oh. No." he laughs, looking back at me and not at his own imaginary world.

"Okay. Good," I laugh nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

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