Chapter 15 - Reuniting

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Adam's P.O.V.

Jason was so close... Just one more jump... But, he missed it.

"JASON!" I yelled sadly. I was about to lose Jason... Permanently this time.

I was becoming furious. This wouldn't have happen if Dawn would just leave us alone.

"Dawn..." I said angrily. She walked slowly to me.

"Hello, Adam." She said happily, grinning ear to ear.

"You... You killed JASON." I said angrily, yet louder.

"Actually... Look behind you." She said sadly. I turned around and saw... JASON! He was using the jet packs on his space suit! HE'S FLYING!

"Adam..." He said quietly yet happily and landed on the platform. He ran to me and immediately hugged me. His arms were around my neck, and my arms were around his waist. I missed his touch... I missed, well, him.

We were both crying tears of joy. I can finally be with Jason again. I can finally ask him to pro-

"You lost." Dawn simply said. "What?" We both asked the same time, confused.

"As you can see, instead of jumping, Jason flew." She explained. Jason frowned and I was just furious.

"HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE." I said furiously, pulling away from the hug. "HE WAS ABOUT TO LOSE HIS LIFE. AND YOU DIDN'T CARE." I said again, walking to her.

"Alright! Calm down, I have one final test for you... This will include Jason, you, and all of your little friends." She stated. Me and Jason looked at her as if she was crazy. She chuckled and said, "You'll understand what I'm talking about..." And just teleported away.

"I... I don't want to lose you again, A-Adam..." Jason said sadly... Then I realized he was crying. I immediately hugged him.

"You're NOT gonna lose me again... And I WON'T be losing YOU again..." I said hugging him tighter.

"I love you, Adam... And I really missed you... The way they treated me here, was REAAAALLY different the way you treated me. They would beat me up, and... And-" "I love you too, Jason. I promise you I would get you out of here." I said, tears in my eyes, threatening to spill.

"You really ARE the best, Adam." He said chuckling at the end, snuggling his face, well, helmet, into my chest.

Suddenly, both of us were teleported into a room, Team Crafted, and the rest was also there.

"ADAM!" All of them said, and hugged me, pushing Jason away. "Hey guys." I said calmly, giving them a big hug.

"Hey, is this Jason?" Sparklez asked curiously. I nodded.

"H-hi." Jason said shyly, and did a small wave.

"So you're the Jason that Adam won't shut up about!" Sparklez exclaimed. I blushed furiously. "Adam would always say how cute you were, or how he would propos-" "I think it's time for you to shut up, SPARKLEZ." I chuckled nervously, putting my hand on his mouth.

Jason took off his helmet, and he smirked. "Actually, tell me everything Adam said about me." He said chuckling.

-Half an hour later-


"Okay guys, you can stop now." Jason said chuckling, messing around with my hair.

"Aww..." Everybody cooed. "SHUT THE NETHER UP!" I yelled jokingly.

"So... What did Dawn say?" Bodil asked, sitting on Bashur's lap, Bash put his arms around him.

"She said something about... Well the final test... And it includes you guys." Jason answered. He shivered a little when he said test. I pulled away from the hug, and put my arm around Jason's waist, facing the guys.

"Yeah, and I'm still surprised how it's been half an hour and she hasn't done anything to us." I said, shrugging.

"Well whatever it is..." Ian started. "...We could do it together." Quentin finished.

All of us smiled. Jason let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, my amulet started to glow. I don't really remember how I got it though...

-Fantabulous Flashback-


"Wow... You are really good with TNT, Quentin." I said chuckling. "Well, I am the pro." He said, trying to sound British. All of us laughed a little.

"Hah... We should go before the squids come." Ty said after we calmed down. We all nodded and left.

Squid hybrids were everywhere. Some of them looked sad and worried, the rest looked furious and... Regretful? Okay... We killed them one by one. I finally reached what seems like Dawn's office, I entered it. I looked around and felt something cover my mouth, then I felt a sharp pain on my head, and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was on a platform thing... And there were cheering squid hybrids everywhere... And there's somebody at the start of this map...

"ADAM!" The person yelled. Then it hit me, JASON! He looked down, and realized that he was using an astronaut suit. I looked down and realized I was using some kind of armor, and a budder amulet...

"Huh..." I said quietly.

-Sadly, Fantabulous Flashback is over-

The amulet was beginning to glow really bright, and it also began to float. Finally it stopped glowing, but there's a hologram. All of us just stared at it with awe.

"H... Hey guys." A voice from the hologram said. "Look, this message is pre-recorded, so I won't be able to hear you." It explained. Then a picture of... Kermit appeared?!

"Look, I was Dawn's last victim. You guys are going to have a little PvP match. Your team, vs Dawn and the squids. You HAVE to do this, there's no other way. Me? Well... It's too late for me. I lost. And now, I... I gotta go. Forever... Remember! YOU HAVE TO WIN!" It said, and the hologram disappeared.

All of us stared at the amulet, shocked and confused.

"Well... Should we get ready for the match?" Sparklez asked, shrugging.

"I guess so..." I said quietly, looking down. "I mean, how tough can the squids be? They're just squids... Right?" I asked nervously.


A/N: Welp, according to ma phone, that was one long chaptah o.o" hope you liked it tho :D
Oh and thank you for 52 followers! I never thought I would get that many! *hugs each and everyone of you* Ily. o3o

Wut? I'm in my car going to school at the moment.

The traffic is horrible.



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