Chapter 14 - ADAM!

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Adam's P.O.V. [Short]

I sighed. The time has come. It's night time and we're all set. Seto made us helmets, and cast his magic around it, so we can pretty much breathe underwater.

All of us checked our backpacks, readied our weapons, and used the armor we made a few hours ago, and left. All of us jumped into the lake.

We're coming for you, Dawn.

Jason's P.O.V.

I cried again. At this point, the pain was unbearable. The blood stains... The gross, thick, red liquid... Screams... Tears... It was unbearable.

I was currently locked up in a cell, the one nearest Dawn's little office thing. There's even a window on her office, so she could see me in this stupid cell, and I could see her too.

I was sobbing again, until I heard a squid hybrid running in the hall, with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Dawn! DAWN!" He yelled loudly. It was so loud it began to hurt my ears... Wait a minute...

"WHAT IS IT?!" She yelled back, furiously. The hybrid showed her the piece of paper and she gasped. I moved a little, and I was sorta able to see the picture. I gasped.

It was a picture of Adam and other people, with weapons, backpacks, and armor. I smiled widely, knowing help will come soon. I was about to stand up, but immediately failed. I landed on the floor with a thud. My feet were unable to carry me anymore... They're in too much pain like the rest of me.


'What the nether was that..? Could it be them..?' I thought happily. I smiled again.

Unfortunately, Dawn saw me smile. She got up, went to my cell, unlocked the door and punched me straight in the face. I didn't bother saying or doing anything.

"How did they know..?" She asked furiously. "I... I don't know..." I answered truthfully.

"HOW THE NETHER DID THEY KNOW?!" She yelled, kicking me in the stomach. "HOW THE NETHER DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW?! I'VE BEEN LOCKED UP IN THIS FREAKING CELL SINCE I GOT HERE!" I yelled back. I was furious. "Finally fighting back, eh? Well, lets see bout that." She said quietly. "Wha-" I said, but got cut off by getting shot by something.

I passed out, again. Of course. It just HAS to happen.

-Ze time skip of potatoes dancing-

I woke up and I actually felt... Better. I was standing up, too. But the place I stood in, looked a bit familiar. Then it hit me...

I was in the Bit Trip arena. I looked around, and saw squid hybrids, cheering. I looked at the end of the map, and saw... ADAM!

"ADAM!" I yelled happily, but you could clearly hear the worry in my voice. I looked down, and saw that I was using... A space suit? It looked like the one we bought... But, it's not a costume, it's real. It even had a jet pack...

I looked up and saw Adam had woken up, with a smile on his face. And he was using the armor thing, but instead of a costume, it's also real. And he had a little budder amulet... How did Dawn know?

"JASON! YOU NEED TO WIN! DO IT FOR ME, BABY!" He yelled happily. I smiled. "I'LL DO IT FOR YOU, ADAM!" I yelled back.

Suddenly, I heard ticking noises. I looked to the left, and saw a huge redstone clock, counting down.


9. This all seems familiar...

8. The screaming...

7. The suits...

6. And the count down...

5. Everything.


3. Prepare...

2. Aaaand,

1. Run.

I started running, dodging obstacles, jumping, everything. I chuckled, everything seemed so easy... Too easy...

I was basically running through everything and saw the end, and Adam... So close... It was just one more jump... Just ONE MORE. Our hands so close to touching... Then...

I missed the jump.


He was fading away... I was about to lose him again... Permanently this time... If I could survive the respawn system...

I knew, right at this moment, I was about to die.

I was ready for the pain, until...

A/N: DUN DUUUH DUUUUUUUNCIN DONUTS! I promise you this story has a happy ending ❤ and I think i'll stop putting a/n's BEFORE the story, so you guys could immediately read it, and you don't have to scroll down a little. C:


You're more important than budder (SkyMU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ