Chapter 6 - Benja and Bacca time

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A/N: My friend is here. Omg she's watching me write this. This is totally not awkward. MY GAWSH PU3 STAHP WATCHING ME. Ok so in this chapter will be COMPLETELY full of merome (benjaxbacca). Pu3 thinks I'm crazy for writing this. Heh. But I call her the local psychopath. Oh and sorry, this was supposed to be published 3 hours ago, but my internet was being poop! v.v... OK LETS START WITH JEROME'S P.O.V. WOOOOOOOOO

Jerome's P.O.V.

After Jason ran back to Adam, me and Mitch decided to go back to our tree house. When I got there, I looked out the window. 'What. The. Nether.'

"Oh ma Notch, biggums! Look at what Jason and Adam are doing!" I said to Mitch, pointing to Adam and Jason... KISSING?!
"What is it Jero- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat." Mitch replies. His eyes widening at the sight of Adam and Jason kissing.

Wow. That escelated quickly.

I actually kinda secretly wish that was me and Mitch... I like Mitch, I mean, who doesn't?...

He's strong, nice, he's a master at using his sword! But... I don't think Mitch will ever like me back...

I mean, I'm a bacca, and he's a human. Just seeing Jason and Adam makes me a little jealous...

"Helloooo...? Jeroooome..? You there biggums?" Mitch asks, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh! Uhh... Yea! Sorry, I guess I kinda zoned out." I say with a chuckle, blushing slightly.

"Huh... So, wadda you wanna do?" He asks.
"Wanna... Go hunting? I mean, we're pretty low on food since you gave a WHOLE bag of squids to Jason!" I said, pointing at the food chest.
"Hehe... Sorry dood... But sure! Lezz go!" He replies excitedly.

So he got his enchanted iron sword, and I get Betty. Aaaand, we went hunting in the plains.

~1 hour later~

"CHOP CHOP CHOP!" I yell while beating up a cow with my beloved Betty. Finally the cow died, and 3 raw beef appeared. "Aw yeaaaahh buddy!"
"Hey dood, how much food did ya get?" Mitch asks while putting 2 raw porkchops in his backpack.
"I got... 15 beef and 12 porkchops." I answered.
"Awesome! I got 14 beef and 7 porkchops... GG." He said chuckling. "We should go back, night time's coming." He suggests.
"Yeah, LEZZ GO DOOD!" I yelled excitedly, running back to the tree house. I was running like a little villager that just got an emerald or something...

...But in reality, I'm really tired.

Mitch's P.O.V.

When we got in the treehouse, Jerome IMMEDIATELY plopped onto the couch.

"I'M TIIIREEEED!" He whined.
"Then go to sleep biggums..." I said chuckling.
"But... I can't sleeeeep!" He whined again. Seriously? I just laughed at him. I love it when he acts like a child, it's really adorable.

Yes. I love Jerome... He's hilarious, kind, loving... He's just awesome. But, he's a bacca...

He'll never love me. I just sigh at the thought. I looked over at Jerome, and saw that he fell asleep on the sofa. 'Cute.'

Since he was asleep, I walked over to his side, and gave him a quick kiss. Turns out he was still awake... Cause he smiled, and opened his eyes.

"I love you Mitch." He says, smiling.
"I... I love you too Jerome." I reply happily. He pulled me into a hug, and made me lie down on the sofa with him. He quickly puts his arms around my waist, so I wouldn't escape. I snuggle deeper into his chest.

Before I fell asleep, he gave me a kiss. It was a passionate, sweet kiss. And then, we both fell asleep.

Today's the best day of my life.

A/N: Sorry if the chapter was short, and sorry if you've been waiting forever for this. :( My internet was having a coma xD And one question, is this considered fluff or something? Just asking. Cuz idk. Hope you enjoyed though...c: If there are any mistakes, FORGIVE ME. English is NOT my main language! D: Don't kill me. Once again, I hope you enjoy. And good whatever-it-is there. Kbai <3

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