XIII: Be us Against the World

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QOTC: [About destiny]I don't pretty much beleve in it, but even if your destiny is to die, it's what you do in between your life that matters.

- TenTen to Hiashi


Chapter 13: Be us against the World

*P L A Y S O N G*

Sakura stormed out from the lab that very night, her thoughts still clattering of the scenery that Obito showed her. The past he'd been into, the assault he lived through all these years... How he managed to survive for one girl—who had unfortunately passed away, yet even death he simply clutched onto this invisible bright side admittingly they would see each other again... That miscellany of love—was the only thing that kept him breathing.

I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?

Darn. She sat back to her desk, staring at the mirror she brought with her. For the first time, Sakura glared at herself at the mirror;overthinking. People always told Sakura that she's bloomed into a beautiful flower, but she couldn't see it to herself. Her hair, now swaying down to her waist, was the only thing that defined her. She knew she wasn't beautiful like Ino was. To be beautiful you had to be willowy and tall. When you have green eyes and small chest, you were different. Obito on the other hand—taught her the meaning of acceptance. It just didn't imply to her that he could be the only one to distinguish her that way...

"Sasuke! Open up!" She was pounding onto his door, knowingly it was past ten. A shirtless Uchiha answered, his elbow leaning in the doorframe. Ravishing as always.

Feeling dissipated, Sakura grabbed him by the arm as she barged in without his permission. She jabbed the door close, locked it as she seized him into the wall. She sat ontop of him, trailing delicate kisses until the insides of his mouth. Sasuke, unable to resist the Pinkette's pantomine, started to tear his clothes off then down to hers, letting all their exhaustion and distress be consumed in this heavenly motion. Sakura moaned in enchantment, as if it was the purest thing Sasuke's ever head. His hands were racing to every inch of her skin, her body, her soaked parts, no—there was no way he could hustle himself from doing it all over again. He then shrugged, as if part of him snapped, but Sakura placed a finger between his lips. "Shh.. I said no talking."

"Sakura. Sakura!"

Sakura blinked in utter disorientation, as if she'd instantly bolted from a wild dream. She shook her head in response while Inner Sakura rose from the dead. Aren't you little too old to he having wet dreams? But Sasuke was staring at her the way he would adress it to anyone to not mess with him. Maybe she shouldn't have knocked that hard. "Here," she threw her robe to him as he caught it with his bungling arms, like he was her personal assistant. He glared at her in silent tatrum as Sakura walked pompously down the corridor. "It's late, and my clone should probably be gone any time now. I've finished my five-hour shift, which leaves you—she turned to point at him—as my only source of shipment left."

She grinned as she batted her eyelashes to him, and Sasuke didn't know if it was his crippledness or the fact that he was glad to see her. "Quit giving me the pouty face."

Suddenly, all credibility on Sakura's face was gone. "No, this is me, giving you a you're a dick face." Outside, the constellations were made of faint stars, as if he were wondering how little did they offer... because he could really consider those appartition of light rare nowadays.

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