This contains spoilers for end of season 5 sorta

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Please read, I will love you

Hey guys, I will hopefully be coming back soon. Sorry I've been gone for a while, as well as iffy before that. But my excuse is school. I was hoping is some of you would take your time and have a convo with me. As I was wondering how everyone felt about the end of season 5. I'm going to be honest, please no hate this doesn't mean in any way that I no longer like the show, I do not have anything against anyone. Ask so doesn't mean I didn't like the season! But I personally feel as though defeating le bête was kind of rushed, as well as a few other things. And I feel as though they kinda skipped over a few things. And I'm still not a hundred percent sure what is going on with quite a few people. I just wanted to know what other people thought, and I don't have any friends that watch the show as well (well one but she's in season 2) so I would really love to hear your thoughts in the comments! This should be a completely hate free zone, so don't be afraid say your opinion. Again in no way does this lower or diminish my love and admiration for the show!

The gif was random cause I love Mason. FUN THING: 4 or 5 episodes before we found out who le bête was I fucking guessed it. I thought hey what if it's him. HAHAHAHAHA that would break my heart. Then it fucking was. Sorry just needed to share that.

P.s.s hope the gif is moving, haven't done gifs since I got an apple phone.


Teen Wolf Imagines and PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora