Aiden- Long (selfignitingimagines)

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You zoomed through the streets of Beacon Hills, tightly clinging to Aiden with your arms around his waist. Your head rested on his shoulder, and if anyone would have been able to see through the helmet you were wearing, they would have known you were smiling.
As you raced through the center of town on the back of Aiden's bike, you couldn't help but be captivated by the lights of the town. While it could be a nightmare of hellish monsters and death, you had to admit that Beacon Hills was beautiful at night. You watched the glowing lights pass by, nearly taking your breath away as your arms rested around Aiden's waist.
Your double movie date with Aiden, Ethan and Danny couldn't have been more perfect, and it almost took your mind off the fact that both of you were on a supernatural hit list. Almost.
For the past few weeks, no matter what you did, there was always that niggling thought at the back of your mind that someone could try to kill you at any moment. You thought things might be different if you could actually defend yourself, but at that moment you didn't even know what you were.
You hadn't even realized you were a supernatural creature until your name showed up on the list Lydia had decoded, letting you know you were worth five million dollars dead. After moving to Beacon Hills with your brother earlier that year you had assumed life in the tiny town would be boring, but you soon discovered it was anything but.
Jordan was also on the list, and when you, Stiles and Lydia had confronted him about it, he hadn't had a clue. You had hoped he would be able to answer all of you questions, but instead he had just provided even more. You shook away thoughts of the deadpool as Aiden pulled into your driveway, cutting the bike's engine and turning to you.
You both pulled off your helmets, and he flashed you a lopsided grin. "So was that a good date night or what?"
"Oh yeah," you told him with a laugh. "I totally wanted to sit next to Danny and Ethan while they groped each other all night."
"They were probably just trying to get us to leave so they could be alone. I swear to god, with all the sex they have, they're like bunnies or something," Aiden told you.
You laughed, your face breaking out into a bright smile. Aiden tilted his head, staring at you with loving brown eyes. You looked up, noticing him staring and asked "What?"
"Nothing," he told you softly. "It's just, this is the first real smile you've cracked in weeks."
"Things haven't exactly been cookie cutter," you reminded him.
"We're in Beacon Hills, Y/n. I think it's safe to say nothing is cookie cutter in this town," he told you.
You sighed, looking down at the damp grass. "You're right about that."
"Hey," he said, reaching over and tilting your chin towards him. "Nothing's going to happen to you. I'm going to keep you safe."
"What about you?" you whispered. "You're worth more than I am."
Aiden shrugged. "Just another enemy to add to the list. You wouldn't believe how many people me and Ethan pissed off, and most of them tried to kill us for it. We're used to people wanting us dead."
"That's even more of a reason to be afraid," you protested. "People wanted to kill you before and now they can get paid to do it. You shouldn't be running out of Beacon Hills, Aiden. You should be sprinting."
"No way," he told you. "Scott needs us. And besides, I'd never leave you."
He reached up, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb. That was when you reached out, grabbing the collar of his leather jacket and tugging his lips down onto yours. He wrapped his arms around you immediately, tugging you as close as he possibly could.
He held you tightly, afraid of what might happen if he let you go. While he wasn't exactly worried about himself, he was definitely worried about you. You didn't even know what you were, and that meant that whatever powers you had, you couldn't figure out how to use them if you needed to.
You kissed him urgently, your arms wrapping around his neck as you clung to him like he was a life preserver. He reached up, running a hand down your windswept hair before he finally pulled away. He smiled down at you, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead before looking back at your dark house.
"I thought your brother was supposed to be home," he said, noticing the absence of Parrish's squad car.
"His shift ended five minutes ago," you informed him, looking down at your phone. "He should be home any minute."
Aiden gave you a look and you sighed. "Aiden, I'll be fine. It's five minutes by myself, okay? You need to get back and finish that history paper. You don't want to drop out of high school again, do you?"
"Five minutes?" he questioned. "You're sure?"
"Yes," you told him with a roll of your eyes. "Five minutes."
"Okay," Aiden said. "But call me if you think anything weird is going on. Even if it's just a feeling."
You nodded, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips once more. "I will."
You handed him back his spare helmet, giving him a soft smile. He watched you walk up your driveway and into your house, unlocking the door and sending him one last look before you disappeared inside. He sat back down on his bike, picking up his helmet to put it back on when he caught a whiff of a disturbing smell.
His insides went cold as he smelled the gasoline, and his eyes went wide as he looked back towards your house.
"Y/N!" he yelled, dropping his helmet on the ground and sprinting towards your house.
He ran up your driveway, his sneakers crunching in the gravel, but he was too late. Before he could make it any farther, a huge blast sounded in his ears, and he was thrown backwards into the grass. A loud metallic whine filled his ears, blocking out all other sounds as he tried to pull himself off of the ground.
He pushed himself up on his hands and knees, only to find himself staring at your house which was now engulfed in flames. A overwhelming sense of dread filled him as he watched the orange flames licking up the sides, and he realized there was no possible way you could have made it out of there alive.
He stumbled to his feet, only to drop to the ground in despair. He let out a cry of pure pain, hating himself for even letting you go inside alone. He was the one who had done terrible things and he was the bad guy, but yet you were the one who had suffered. Aiden deserved something like that, but you didn't deserve any of it.
Tears began to flow from his eyes and he knew neighbors would be coming out soon to figure out what happened. He willed himself to move, but all he could do was sit there staring at the flames.
The brightness was painful on his eyes, but it was like he couldn't tear them away. That was why when your front door was kicked out from the inside, he assumed it was just a trick of the light. Even when a blurry shape made it's way onto your porch, Aiden assumed he was dreaming.
But he wasn't at all, and he quickly realized this as you emerged with bright orange eyes and blackened clothing hanging off your body. Aiden couldn't believe his eyes, but he managed to drag himself up and rush over to where you were stumbling off the porch.
"Y/n?" he gasped. "How-"
"I-I don't know," you coughed, your eyes fading back to their normal color. "Everything was on fire, b-but I wasn't."
Your mind was racing with a million different thoughts, and you didn't understand why you were somehow fireproof, but you guessed it had everything to do with what you were. You vision started to go blurry, and you took a step forward only to spill forward into Aiden's arms.
You could feel yourself quickly fading, and while you may have been immune to fire, you guessed you didn't have the same luck with smoke inhalation.
"Woah, woah, woah," Aiden told you, easing you into his lap as sirens began to blare. "Easy. I've got you."
Aiden brushed hair from your soot-covered face, anxiously peering down the street for the ambulances and firetrucks that weren't too far away. He looked down at you, whose eyes were now beginning to flutter shut.
"Hey, Y/n, stay awake," he ordered, his brown eyes wide and desperate. "Y/n, please, baby, look at me."
"What am I?" you whispered to yourself, ignoring his question as letting your head fall against his chest. You were dimly aware of him begging you to open your eyes and look at him, but you were too far gone to care.

You woke up slowly, and the first thing you saw when your cloudy vision cleared was a pair of concerned brown eyes staring into yours. Aiden was looking down at you carefully, as if he was afraid you would break at any moment.
"What are you staring at?" you mumbled sleepily, sitting up in the tiny hospital bed. "Do I have something on my face?"
Aiden let out a soft laugh. "No, I'm just...I'm glad you're alive."
"Is Jordan okay?" you asked hoarsely, suddenly realizing that if someone had tried to kill you then they had probably done the same to him.
"He's fine," Aiden told you. "One of the other deputies actually trapped him in a cruiser and tried to burn him alive too. Turns out you're both immune to fire."
"Oh my god," you breathed. "Where is he?"
"Cafeteria," Aiden told you. "He's perfectly fine, and probably eating way too many calories for someone who needs to be in shape for their job."
You sighed in relief. "And the others? Scott? Lydia? Ethan? Nothing happened?"
"Nope," Aiden told you. "I'm guessing there aren't enough assassins to take out all of us at once."
"I guess that's one good thing," you remarked, leaning against the pillows and suppressing a yawn. "God, why I am so tired? I feel like I've been asleep for hours."
"Almost getting murdered does that to you," he told you. "But I wouldn't mind passing out for a couple hours. You should too."
"I don't think I can," you told him honestly.
"Try," Aiden told you. "You need to rest."
You sighed, looking over at your boyfriend as an idea started to form in your mind. You scooted over to one side of the bed, patting the space next to you. Aiden gave you a look, noticing the mischievous gleam in your eyes and wanting no part in it.
"Y/n, you need to rest," he told you.
"And I will," you told him. "Just as long as you do too. I almost died for god's sake, I can't have my boyfriend hold me?"
Aiden sighed in defeat, throwing his hands up and kicking off his shoes before climbing up into the tiny bed with you. He adjusted all the wires and tubes connected to you and pulled you into his arms, letting you rest against his chest.
"Happy?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Very," you told him, snuggling against him.

Thank you to selfignitingimagines on Tumblr for letting me use their imagines. I asked and got permission to put these in my book! They write Teen Wolf imagines on their blog. I use their imagines with permission because I do not have a lot time, so this helps me get you better longer imagines instead of the other quick things I post.

If you would like me to write you a personal imagine leave your requests in the comments of pm me.

Thank for reading!

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