Malia- Long (selfignitingimagines)✔

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You sat in Scott's living room, your leg shaking nervously as the pack figured out how to hide you from the dread doctors. You knew they were coming for you, and you knew it was only a matter of time before they found you. If the other chimeras were any indication, Scott and the rest of the pack wouldn't be able to help you.
"What about Eichen House?" Lydia asked from the kitchen. "Valack said they didn't like to go there and the only reason they got in was because Kira disrupted the defenses."
"As much as I hate that place, she's got a point," Stiles told Scott. "If we can find a way to sneak Y/n in they won't be able to get to her."
"How do we sneak her into a mental hospital?" Scott asked.
"Getting her in is the easy part," Stiles told him. "Trust me, getting out is a lot harder."
Scott nodded, but he still felt uneasy. While it wasn't much, this was the only plan they had, and they were betting on a lot for it to work. "What if it's not enough? What if they get in anyway."
You swallowed, and Malia growled from where she sat next to you on the couch. "Shut up," she snapped at Scott. "You're scaring her."
"No," you said. "Malia he's right. You guys don't have to do this. I should just give myself up. That way they won't hurt you for getting in the way."
"What?" Malia cried. "No way!"
"She's right, Y/n," Scott said, walking into the living room. "We're not going to let them hurt you."
"I'm not going to let them touch you," Malia promised, grabbing your hands tightly in her own. "I swear."
You looked down in surprise. Even though Malia had been your best friend for the past eight months, she wasn't given to bursts of sisterly affection. You smiled, looking up at her determined brown eyes.
"Okay," you whispered. "So what's the plan?"

"You look nervous," you remarked from the passenger seat of Malia's toyota.
"That's because I am," she told you, her hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.
"Don't worry," you told her. "You're doing great. You only ran one red light."
"I'm not nervous about driving, I'm nervous about sticking you in Eichen House. That place isn't what they tell you in the brochure."
"Malia, I'll be fine," you told her. "It's only for a few days anyway, right?"
Malia was silent, and she tried to focus on keeping her eyes on the road ahead. Scott, Lydia and Stiles were up ahead of them, and you were the only two cars on the road that led up to Eichen House.
Suddenly the car started to slow, and you looked over at Malia in confusion. "Malia, you don't have to go any slower then the speed limit," you reminded her.
"I'm not doing anything," she told you as the car slowed to a crawl.
"Pull over," you ordered, looking up ahead to see that the jeep was still going, which was ironic considering how many times it had broken down before.
Before Malia could do what you asked, the car suddenly just stopped in the middle of the road. "Malia?" you asked nervously.
"That wasn't me!" she cried. "I didn't do anything."
You swallowed, a chill running down your spine as you realized what was happening. "It's them," you whispered. "They're here."
Sure enough, when you looked in the rear view mirror, you could see the three dread doctors walking up the road and coming right towards you.
You looked up ahead and felt a little bit of hope when you saw that Stiles was turning around, but the doctors were getting closer too. Malia let out a growl, unbuckling her seatbelt and opening the door.
"Get out and run," she ordered, her face starting to shift.
"I can't leave you alone to fight those things!" you cried.
Malia looked back at you, her eyes now glowing an electric blue. "I said run!" she snarled, baring her teeth at you.
You opened the door and scrambled out of the car, just as Stiles slammed on the breaks in front of Malia's car. Scott hopped out, letting out a deafening roar and jumping in to help Malia fight.
"Y/n, get in!" Lydia cried, holding open the door of the jeep for you.
You raced to the jeep, hopping into the back with Lydia. But as Stiles started to pull away, the jeep stalled. "What?" he exclaimed. "No, no, no! Not today baby! Come on Roscoe!"
He tried desperately to get it to start, doing everything he could think of, even just banging on the dashboard. But whether it was just how old it was or the same thing the doctors had done to Malia's car, the jeep wasn't moving.
Scott and Malia were both fighting their own doctor, but there was still one left. It walked past the fight calmly, as if it wasn't even happening, headed right for you.
Malia had just knocked her adversary to the ground when she caught sight of the third doctor going for the jeep. She let out a deadly snarl and raced towards it, kicking it in the back.
It quickly got off the ground, and this time Malia was the one to get knocked off her feet. The doctor picked Malia up by the throat, and slammed her into the side of the jeep. Her vision went fuzzy for a second, and she fell to the ground.
That was when she heard the scream, and her vision cleared just in time for her to see you being ripped from the jeep. You were kicking and fighting, but you did little damage against the doctor holding you.
"No!" Malia screamed, jumping to her feet.
But the doctor was already grabbing you by the hair. Malia was helpless to do anything but watch as the doctor plunged the needle into your neck. You let out a painful cry, and then you were released and dropped to the ground.
Malia wanted to fight. She wanted to tear the doctor apart, but it was already walking away, joining the others and going back the way they had come. You pushed yourself weakly up on your hands, taking a shaky breath. It only took seconds for you to find out you could barely yourself up, but luckily Malia was there to catch you.
"Malia," you whispered, as your eyes slowly started to fill up with mercury. "I'm scared."
"No, no, no," she murmured. "Don't be scared. We're gonna get you out of here. We're-we're gonna get you help."
"There's no time," you told her softly, as she brushed hair from our face.
"No," she said forcefully. "No, you can't die. I promised I wouldn't let them hurt you."
You were terrified as you lay in Malia's arms, but you knew there was no saving you, and even though she was trying to deny it, Malia knew it too. She could hear you heartbeat slowing down, and she knew it was only minutes before it stopped completely.
"It's okay," you told her shakily, wanting to be brave for her. "It's-are-are you crying?"
You reached up to touch her face, and sure enough there were tears dripping down her cheeks. "I-I've never s-seen you cry," you murmured. "Not once in the past year. You never cry."
"Please," Malia begged, grabbing your hand tightly. "Please, Y/n just hold on."
"You''re the best friend I ever had," you whispered, your breathing starting to come in short gasps. "S-save the rest of them. The-the other chimeras. Sa-save them, Malia You have to-"
You let out a harsh choking sound, and Malia watched as your eyes went completely silver, your hand going limp in hers. She heard your heart thump in your chest once more, and then it stopped all together.
"No!" she screamed, not wanting to believe you were gone. "No! Y/n, wake up! Please, please you have to wake up!"
She gripped your body tightly, shaking as the tears poured down her face. "No," she sobbed. "Please, god no."
Malia had heard the others talk about Allison, about how she had died in Scott's arms. The whole pack had felt the blow of her death, and she could practically feel the grief in the room when anyone talked about her. While she had been sympathetic, she had never understood it.
For a long time she had wanted to, thinking it would help her to be more human. But now she realized how painful it was, and as she held your limp body in her arms, she knew she would have been better off never knowing what it was like.

These are written and originally posted on Tumblr, by selfignitingimagines. They have allowed me to use their imagines in my book. So again thank you very much to them and I hope you enjoy. Yes, its a little sad but it's one of the first I read on their account. To be clear I did not write this selfignitingimagines did.

Request down below, thanks for reading!

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