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"Oliver, nice job, but the proportions wouldn't seem fit for an actual airplane." My eyes looked up and listened in on Caleb instructing my new friend. "Maybe cut down on the wing sizes a bit or quite a few notches?"

I held back a laugh as Oliver reddened in the face slightly. I had been officially an intern for two weeks now. I had quite the low expectations of being an intern. I thought we would just be doing coffee runs for the employees, fix the jammed printer, and do an ocassional sit-ins on meetings. Although we didn't really. Don't get me wrong, Oliver and I went to the nearest coffee shop to get some coffees (Jeff refused to do it for it was against his wishes). 

Other than that, Caleb did exceptional in making us do actual architect things. We started building models early this week with the ocassional help from him, but usually we were on our own. I didn't mind; I wanted to prove to him that even if I didn't have a degree I could do work the same as my other fellow interns.

Caleb moved on from Oliver who was busily rebuilding the wings again. He started to walk in my direction, and I quickly busied myself in my model again. I was almost finished, I just had to add the logos and finishing touches.

"Is your model done?" Caleb's deep voice emanated through my thoughts.

I looked up after fixing one tiny mistake. "Hi." I carefully pushed the model towards him. "I'm done. I told you I could do it, didn't I?"

A heartfelt smile lifted his entire face up. "I never said I doubted you, Miss Bethany. Let's take a look."

As he examined the model, I made my own examination on him. He fingered the model in his hands gently with concentrated eyes. He was examining it carefully. It was amazing to see this man's love for architecture. Anything he does with his job... he does wonderfully and with much devotion. Does he look at a woman like that?

Snap out of it. 

"Well?" I prompted with excitement. 

Caleb looked up at me with nothing to give away in his eyes. "Very well done, I must say."

I flashed him a triumphant grin. "Thank you very much."

His amused expression lingered for a moment before turning away and on to Jeff who had been done for over half an hour ago. Jeff really was a daunting competition.

"So, what did the almighty think?"

I looked to my right where I found Oliver handing me a cup of water from the dispenser. I took it and sipped from it gratefully. "My model was and I quote 'very well done.'" I shot him a smug look. 

"If it's better than Jeff's then I'll be surprised," he muttered as he watched Caleb and Jeff talk seriously to the other side of the table.

"I would be too," I admitted starting to head over to my desk. It was the end of the day and also week for us. "What time will you be going to the site tomorrow?" 

Caleb informed us days ahead of the site we'll be visiting tomorrow morning on a Saturday. It was rare for us to still work at our internship even on the weekends, but Caleb insisted there wouldn't be many. British Airways' sister company had a building site just an hour or two away from Seattle and was a perfect opportunity for us to have 'hands-on' experience. 

"I'm not going," he whispered as he passed my desk on the way to his. 

I looked at him bemused. "What? Why?"

"It's too damn early for me to get up," he whined like a child. "Besides, I have this thing with my family during lunch time. Can't pass it up or they'll hold a grudge. You know high society parents."

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