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double update omf


       "Hey Seong Mi, thanks for yesterday." Jongdae ran beside me.

I looked at him in confusion as I don't recall doing anything for him, "For what?"

"For taking caring of me when I was sick, well, tried. But i'm getting better." He sniffled and rubbed his red nose.

I found it cute, he looked like Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer; then he gave me his signature smile, I feel like I had a heart attack. Literally hearts were flying around my head. I was too caught up staring at Jongdae, I just stood there. He turned to me with those caring eyes, damn those eyes. Wait, hold up, what am I doing? Shit, don't tell me; I am aren't I?

"Are you okay, Seong Mi?" He asked, his voice made my heart melt. But seriously though, how the hell did this happen and how the hell did I start acting this way?

I nodded nervously and blushed. I looked down to make sure he didn't see it, I cannot lose him from being my coach just because I fell in love with him. I need to be low key about my feelings or my chance is gone.

I took a deep breath as the two of us entered the classroom together, all eyes were on us. I bit my lip and sat at my seat. Hopefully my heart would decrease it's pace, but I have three classes with Jongdae, how can it possibly stop? Ugh, this guy needs to stop.


I can't believe what just happened. Jongdae had said hi and waved from across the hall, but all I managed to do was give him a small smile and turn away.

I can't even look him in the eye!

This whole day I've been really uneasy, like butterflies in my stomach. Even when he's not there I still think about him and my heart starts beating faster and faster just from the thought.

Right now I'm alone on one of the school's balconies looking out onto the green sea of grass. I found it relaxing and a something good to take my mind off of Jongdae. It was lunch time too, so that's a plus.

"Are you ignoring me?" A voice came behind me and startled me a bit.

I knew it was Jongdae, I continued to look ahead of me and shake my head.

"Is it because we haven't got you that guy yet?" Jongdae went next to me and looked towards the grass too. He was close to me, way too close, close enough that I can feel his body heat from the freezing air of mid-December.

"Actu-" I was cut off by someone else joining us.

"Hey, what are you guys doing up here?" Sehun greeted.

"We were talking about finding a guy for Seong Mi, since it's close to Christmas." Jongdae explained. No that wasn't really what I wanted to talk about.

"Oh well, how is it going?" I simply shrugged at Sehun's question.

"What about that guy?" Jongdae pointed to a tall guy with black hair, walking with two other guys.

I shook my head.

"That guy?" he pointed at another with light brown hair, sitting my by the fountain texting on his phone.

I shook my head.

"That one?' he said again pointing a guy with brown hair with a quiff, reading a book.

I shook my head again.

"That one?" he pointed at a guy looking around, as I looked at the guy a girl came to him and he put a arm around the girl, "Never mind."

I sigh in defeat and slump down even more.

"Hey, don't be sad Seong Mi. What about you go on a date with me?" Sehun offered, Jongdae and I's heads turn to the other male. My eyes widened in shock, I didn't really know what to answer.


I was cut off again. "It's okay, you don't have to respond immediately." Sehun said as he left.

I sigh and looked back at Jongdae, he had a serious face on. Like he was furious. I wonder...


"Yo Seong Mi!" A male's voice called out to me.

I turn to see Minseok running, "Hey Minseok."

"Have you seen Jongdae?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, I haven't actually. The last time I saw him was at lunch."

"Oh, well, you see he's been hanging out with you a lot more than usual. This morning he got out of the dorm early and we see him with you. Also during passing period he's always trying to look for you." Minseok started to explain, I couldn't help but to smile and blush.

"Plus all nine of us have our last period of the day together and when you two have a lesson together after school, he's always the first one out the door, the second the bell rings. He smiles a whole lot more, especially after the thing with his last girlfriend, and that your a girl and all. Also when we're having dinner he always talks about you and your stories. Like how bad your date with Chanyeol was, how your date with Jongdae went well." Minseok chuckled and shook his head.

"I just wanted to thank you for finally giving Jongdae a new sense of happiness since high school. It's like you two are supposed to be together, I have a strong feeling that he likes you--scratch that, he loves you. But he doesn't want to get hurt again, so he just kept it inside." Minseok added.

I looked like a smiling idiot right now, but I can't help but get flustered to what Minseok said about Jongdae. I was hella blushing too.

"How do you know all this?" I looked at him and asked.

He snickered, "Guess I'm some sort of love whisperer/psychic."

Minseok paused for a second then asked: "Can I ask, do you love Jongdae?"

I blushed from my cheeks to my ears, I tried to play it cool and laugh it off.

"What!?" I strained the word, "Of course not! I can't fall in love with him, or else he wouldn't be my coach anymore!"

He smirked. "Ahh, I see so you do love him, but you don't want to blow your chance of getting a boyfriend. Well I suggest you tell him your feelings one way or another, cause if you don't it's gonna be too late."

I was taken aback from his sentence, I was torn on telling him or not. I don't know what to do.

"Well I gotta go Seong Mi. Hope you find your happy ending." Minseok turned away and waved goodbye.

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