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"Hello?" Chanyeol repeated into the phone again.

        Snapping out of my thoughts, I took after from my ear for a second to clear my throat. "Hey, it's Seongmi."

        "Hey Seongmi! Did Jongdae give you my number? What do you need?" He spoke happily.

        "Say that you want to hang out this tomorrow after school to the beach." Jongdae whispered to me from behind/

        "U-uh. Chanyeol, did you want to, I dunno, want to like-" I stammered over my words.

       "Just say it!" Jongdae spat through his teeth.

       "Do you want to hang out tomorrow after school to the beach?" I asked quickly, with silence following through the other line.

        "Yeah, sure!" He finally responded after a couple seconds. "I'll meet you there!" Chanyeol agreed.

        "I'm looking forward to it." Jongdae whispered again.

        "I'm looking forward to it." My voice trembled. Why was I so nervous about asking a boy? It was just a practice date, so no harm done! Right?

        "Great! Bye Seongmi."

        I gulped, "Bye Chanyeol." I took my phone away from my ear and ended the call quickly.

        "See, wasn't that hard." Jongdae returned to his normal voice and laughed at me.

        "But what am I supposed to do on the date though? I never been on one." I slipped my phone back into my pocket and sat back down in embarrassment.

        "Don't worry, I'm going to follow you guys but stay on the down low. But, I also need your number to text you tips." He reached in his back pocket and pulled out his phone. "Plus, don't be embarrassed now... you still have that date of yours tomorrow." He teased.

       "Yah!" I thundered. "Wait, how did you know I was embar-"

        "Put your number in." He cut me off.

        Taking his phone and typed my contacts it, nervousness washed over me. What did he mean by me getting embarrassed tomorrow? He wasn't going to set me on some death trap because this was all a joke, right? 

        "That lesson has to wait for tomorrow, so we can pick up where we left off the shopping and continue there." He walked back to his desk and grabbed his backpack.

        I stood up to decline. "No, it's okay. Jiwon is taking to go shopping this weekend, so it's okay."

        Jongdae just stood, there was a slight silence. "Oh, okay then. Then lessons are done for today, you're free."

        After that he left, i followed behind him but then turned the other direction to the field. I looked all over the sea of green to spot Jiwon, she wasn't there. She was probably late, it was probably good if I waited for her.

        I didn't have anything to do actually, all of my homework is done (as good of a student I was). Maybe I should've gone with Jongdae to go shopping. Plus I just remembered that Jiwon has a major test for her least favorite class, so she's studying (as good of a student she was). Jiwon is more into getting good grades so she hates being disrupted. I sighed, regretting my decision.

        "So shopping then?" A voice behind me started.

        I looked behind me to see Jongdae leaning against the tree I was leaning up against. I sighed again.

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