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       "So it was a practice date? I see." Chanyeol placed his lunch tray on the table with eight other guys sitting down with us.

"Why are you guys all sitting here?" Jiwon asked rudely. She wasn't in a good mood today cause it's that time of the month as every girl go through.

"Just cause." Sehun smiled, earning a scowl from Jiwon.

"Anyway, that's why you kept on checking your phone because Jongdae was giving you tips." Chanyeol continued with the conversation he was about to start.

I nodded, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. But why did you act so enthusiastic? That was so weird because that's totally out of your character." He added.

"Well that's what Jongdae said to do-"

"But that wasn't the kind enthusiasm I was hoping for." Jongdae cut into the the conversation.

"Ooh." Baekhyun whispered.

        "Are trying to argue right now?" I tested.

        "Try me." Jongdae sneered.

"You didn't help that much didn't you?" I shot back.

"Ooh." Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

"Well it's not my fault that you don't know how to date!" Jongdae argued.

"Ooh." Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

"Guess you weren't doing you're job correctly then." I said.

"Ooh." Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

"I am doing my job correctly, you're just a bad student that doesn't know how to follow directions." Jongdae shot back.

"Ooh." Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

"You give the most vague directions." I kept up with comebacks, which surprised me actually. I was the worse at smack talking when Jiwon and I were playing basketball.

"Ooh." Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

        "At least I don't make a fool out of myself in public." Jongdae spat.

        "Ooh." Sehun, Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

"At least I didn't look like a stalker." I smirked at him.

"Ooh." Yixing, Sehun, Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok and Baekhyun whispered.

The two of us argued back and forth, up until lunch was over with. All day we haven't talked or made contact with each other, why did he start that argument anyway? If he was going to argue with me, then why didn't he do it last night when the date was a total bust? But as I was on my way to my last class of the day he talked to me.

"Lesson #3 today after school."

Guess he thought I wasn't going because of that small argument, of course I was still going because of that, I needed to find a guy before the holidays this winter!


"Lesson #3: Double Date. Since the date with you and Chanyeol didn't really work out, we're going on a double date so I can actually talk to you." Jongdae slammed his hands on top of the teacher's desk again.

"Who are we going with?" I inquired.

"We are going on a double date with Yixing and Jiwon." He responded.

"We?" I felt weird when he said we, like we're going on a date?

"Yeah we, we are going on a double date with Yixing and Jiwon. Seriously keep up!" He scoffed.

"Did Jiwon and Yixing already agree though?" I added.

"Yixing agreed, but not Jiwon; you have to ask her."

"When is the date?" I asked.

"Tomorrow cause it's Saturday." I nodded to his reply and wrote it down in my notes.

"What if Jiwon doesn't say yes?" I asked another questions.

I heard him whisper,"Jesus, stop with the questions." He then said, "Then we'll just have to go on the date ourselves."

I suddenly blushed at his statement, heat rushed to my cheeks as I slapped them to stop.

"Anyway, that's all today since that was the only thing i wanted to say. Bye." He slung his backpack over his shoulder and waved goodbye.

"That was weird." I muttered to myself.


Jiwon and I were in a store at the mall right now since she promised me to shop for clothes. We had a joking argument about Jongdae knowing everything about girls' fashion.

"Dude," she playfully slapped my shoulder, "what if he's gay!?" She giggled at her own joke.

I scoffed, "Yeah right."

We spent another thirty minutes searching for clothes for me, we found cute boots and a sweater but that was it.

"Oh Jiwon I forgot to tell you."

Jiwon was still looking for clothes as she talked. "Hm?"

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yeah, are you asking me out for a date, Seongmi?" Jiwon joked.

"Well close, I'm asking you to go on a double date with me." She faced towards me with wide eyes.

"Did you finally find a guy?"

I shook my head, "No it's a practice date with Jongdae for a lesson since the one with Chanyeol didn't go well."

"Oh...OH! A date with Jongdae, i see." Jiwon wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"No it's not like that! Plus I can't fall in love with him anyway." I turned to the other rack to look through the clothes.

"Anyway? So you do like him." I can feel her smirking even though I'm not facing her.

"No—I don't know." I shook my head and looked back at the clothes.

"Sure," she strained the word, "but since you're going with Jongdae, who am I going with?"

"Yixing." I wiggled my eyebrows at her, "Remember what you said that night?"

It took a second for Jiwon to realize what I was talking about, "Shut up!" Jiwon yelled and walked to the other side of the store.

"So is that a yes?" I yelled back at her. From a far I could see that she gave me a thumbs up.

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