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[status; unedited]


          I yawn due to my morning fatigue, dark circles covered my under eyes, luckily makeup was there for the rescue. I stayed up texting Jongdae on his different plans on finding me a guy and other dating tips I should know. But during our date and four hour conversation last night, I felt differently about him, like more than a friend...oh no.

Don't tell me, i'm falling in love!? NO! I cannot fall in love with Kim Jongdae. I promised him that I wouldn't fall in love with him, plus it's two more weeks until Christmas and I was nowhere close on finding a guy for me. And if I let my feelings slip, poof, there goes my chance of finding a guy.

I later joined Jiwon who went to the library two hours before school to study for her test. I swear this girl never gives herself breaks, she works her butt off everyday.

I yawn but covered my mouth as I met up with Jiwon.

"Why are you yawning? I'm the one who woke up at five in the morning." Jiwon chuckled.

"I was up all night texting Jongdae." I bluntly explained.

"Ooh, I see." She smirked as we sat down at our desks.

I halt to see post-it notes scattered all over my desk, I read some of them. And they weren't very nice.

Stay away from Jongdae!

Why did he even pick you!?

Stop hanging out with him!


Those four notes are just the start of them, I bunched up the post-it notes and threw them into the garbage. As I returned to my seat I heard a cackle, a very familiar cackle. I look out the classroom window to just see a long magenta and black scarf fly down. That scarf reminded me of something too, I shook my head and took my mind off of it. I slid my seat out from under the desk to see another note that was just on normal paper that was folded.

Come to the supply room after school in the gym, I need to talk to you. -Jongdae

I smiled, at least it wasn't another hate note. Jiwon noticed my smile and gave a very confused look.

"Why are you smiling? You just got a thousand hate notes from jealous girls." she elbowed my arm.

"Nah, it's just Jongdae. He asked me to meet him after school."


I hum a happy tune as I walked over to the supply room. Why was I so happy to meet Jongdae again? We just saw each other this afternoon. I stopped in front of the desired room he wanted me to meet him, I turned to see a weak Jongdae sitting down on some stacked up mats,

"Hey." I simply greeted.

"So what did you want to tell me, Seongmi?" Jongdae coughed and sniffled. My eyebrows curl in worry, was he sick?

"W-wait I thought you wanted to meet up? But besides that are you okay?" I came closer to him.

"I think I have a cold." He said hoarsely. Why isn't he wearing a jacket, it's dead of winter and he doesn't have a jacket with him.

My first thought was to give him my coat, I quickly take my coat off and placed it over Jongdae's frozen body.

"Aren't you gonna get cold?" He asked. I was cold but Jongdae needed it more than me.

"Nope! Don't worry I'm warm blooded!" I said confidently, even though I was freezing.

I then heard a cackle behind me. A gust of cold, winter wind blew in as a mysterious person closed the door. I swear I heard that cackle before. Anyway I ran to the door and tried to open in, the door was locked. Great!

"Why is it so cold in here?" Jongdae asked quietly. I turned to look at him, his skin was paler than usual and his lips turned blue. I quickly run around the room to find something warm to cover him with. Mats? No, they're cold to the touch. A volleyball net? Why, it has holes in it! I looked on the shelves and spotted a blanket. How convenient.

I unfolded the blanket and covered it over him. He closed his eyes, his breathing was hitched; short and uneven. I sigh, hopefully he wouldn't die, I needed him! For coaching reasons of course.

For the next thirty minutes I stood in front of the door, trying to open it once in a while. My arms are folded around my torso as the temperature started to lower even more. I was soon shivering, loud enough for Jongdae to hear.

"I'm warm blooded my ass. C'mere." Jongdae broke the silence, besides the cold air blowing inside here. I shook my head and declined but he opened up his arms and grabbed me. I was soon sitting on his lap, my eyes widened at this sudden skinship. His chin my resting my shoulder with his eyes closed. His breathing was back to normal, but my heart wasn't. It was beating at 100 miles per hour! I hoped that he couldn't feel it, but he probably did because my back is literally pressed up on his chest.


Jiwon noticed Seongmi's bag still on her desk. Seongmi would normally leave before Jiwon did, she found it odd. Then she remembered the notes, both the bad ones and Jongdae's, and also that cackle with that magenta and black scarf.

"That bitch." she whispered to herself.

After running to the boys' dorm she knocked on the door hard. Junmyeon was the one to open it and greeted Jiwon.

"Listen, I need you to gather up all the guys we need to save Jongdae and Seong Mi." Jiwon explained quickly.


"I'll tell you once we gather up all the guys, this is a matter of life or death!" she yelled, which scared Junmyeon; sending him to gather up all eight guys, including him at the door.

The mob of eight boys and one girl, definitely caused attention to them. Whispers were shared, some girls were jealous of Jiwon, and some boys were jealous of the eight other guys running with a beauty.


"This is it. We're going to die of hypothermia!" I panicked. My heart was beating way faster than before, not because I have a really hot guy I'm sitting on; but we are going to die like this! "Please, we're too young to die!"

"You're over reacting someones going to get us. It's going to be okay." Jongdae reassured me. His voice was quiet and his voice ran shivers down my spine, I can feel his breath on my neck from the distance we were at.

"You smell good." He complimented out of nowhere, I was pretty shocked at what he had said.

I stood up from his lap which woke him from his slight slumber, i stood in front of the door and stance myself to get ready to open the door. Jongdae joined me and readied himself.

"In 3, 2, 1." The two of us ran, a blazed of white that shined into our eyes. The next thing we knew we were on the floor.

"What are you guys doing?" Sehun asked us. We looked up to see a circle of people surrounding us.

"Are you two okay?" Chanyeol worriedly asked and helped us up.

"Seongmi." Jiwon called to me, "I know who it was."


"Kim Minhyo." That name, just being said flashed dozens of bad memories of Minhyo inside my head, practically making me shiver. I never would have thought that I had to face her again.

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