Ignitable - Chapter Three

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A feeling of apprehension hovers above me as I carefully push the key into the lock of my apartment. Flicking on the light, I glance at Sophia, who is still shivering a little, which convinces me that she is far more nervous than she is actually letting on. As she slowly steps into my place, I watch her reaction. With light steps, she holds tightly onto my jacket that is still loosely wrapped around her, like it's just something to cling onto as she tries to adjust to her new surroundings. I hope that now being here, doesn't make her turn and bolt. There's an air of unpredictability about her. So I continue to watch, wondering whether she will stay or leave. This is more than likely a new and nerve-wracking experience for Sophia. She doesn't strike me as the sort who has had many one night stands. I would even go as far to say that I am probably her first. If the attraction between us wasn't so strong, her vulnerability would actually make me feel really shit about what we are about to do. But for all of her nerves, Sophia has a determined glint in her eye when she finally does look my way. Warmly smiling back at her, relief seems to awash both of our faces. "Make yourself at home." I confidently tell her as I toss my keys down onto the steel worktop of my trendily small kitchen.

"It's quite a shag pad you have here." Sophia thoughtfully says, waiting for me to look at her as she throws me a small and humorous grin in my direction.

Her grin is met with one of my own. "It's close to work, so it's convenient." I choose to ignore the 'shag pad' comment. She is right though, I have shagged a lot of women here.

"And what work is it that you do?" Sophia is moving with grace around the wide open room, taking in the expanse of my home as she tries to discover more of who I am.

"I'm a barrister." I am not usually into the whole 'small talk' thing. The women I bring here always know exactly why they are being brought here, and although Sophia does too, I am kind of enjoying our 'chat before sex' thing.

"I figured you had a high brow job." Pulling my jacket from off her small shoulders, she lays it neatly on the back of my sofa. "You don't get to wear a suit like that if you're a pot washer." She grins again at me before her eyes once again roam all over my sleek and masculine apartment. She suddenly stops right in front of my 60 inch plasma tv that's hung impressively upon a plainly painted white wall. "What is it about men and their stupidly big tv's?"

I walk towards where she is, standing just beside her. "What do you mean?" My frown deepens about the same time as my smile widens.

Sophia throws me a mischievous sideways glance. "Is it really necessary to have a television that big?"

"Yes." I tell her, smiling ever so broadly.

Shaking her head as she stares at the hugely hung tv, she grimaces slightly. "I don't know, I'm always wary of a man with a telly that big. It might mean that what they lack in the trouser department, they make up the inches with their excessively large tv screens."

My laughter fills the space between us. "I can assure you, I have never had no complaints about my trouser department." I look down at myself, amused no end by the beautifully funny Sophia. I love that although she is terribly nervous, intimidated even—she says exactly what is on her mind.

"I guess I'll soon find out whether or not that tv myth is to be dispelled or not, won't I?" One of her brows flirtatiously quirks up as she slowly walks away from me with a teasing swagger.

It's like she is playing. She is relishing in toying with me just a little before we get down to sexual business. Shit, this woman is honestly causing untold throbbing to my balls. "Can I get you a drink?" I'm asking her whether she wants one, but it's more because I desperately need one myself, I need something to take the edge off my ever growing arousal.

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