Red String of Fate (ch. 11)

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I tapped my finger against the bottom of the cage. Adapting to my situation, I thought of a easy way to escape. Suddenly there was a jerk and I tumbled over and fell on my side. My hands cramped as I tried pulling them out of their bonds in a frantic attempt to catch myself.

I laid, rather uncomfortable and annoyed as the buttons on the front of my shirt and vest pressed in. Landing on my chest hurt more than I thought it would. Getting back up, I heard my captors talking.

I ignored the pins and needles in my leg as I tuned into their conversation.

"Well, we have her as you've requested," they said curtly.

"Does anyone else know where she is?" the new person asked. His voice was smooth.

"No, we made sure that we get away as clean as possible," The guys said, hinting pride in their work. 

"Good," The smooth talker complimented.

"Now discussing price for the girl-" but he was quickly cut off. "You can dispose of them now," I heard. Two gunshots rang out. Two thuds were heard and silence commenced.

As soon as they were heard, footsteps approached me and I backed up onto one side of the cage.

Covers were lifted and light drifted in, blinding me. Only the silhouette remained of the person before me.

"My my," the voice said, "I would have never thought they'd fulfill my request so easily."

I remained silent upon being stared at. But even if I wanted to talk, the bind around my mouth would render me incomprehensible.

"Look," the guy said as a rather astute looking man came by and judging by their voices, they were smiling, "Isn't she a beauty?"

I scowled at their tone.

"Just wonderful."


My clothes were stripped and I was thrown into a cold cellar with nothing but a thin oversized shirt.

I sat, wondering what sort of organization this was and what exactly they might need for just the females between the ages of childhood and adolescent?

Nothing too bad happened.

So what exactly was happening?

I sat silently and watched the girls cowering together in a heap. An older teenage girl sat in the same position as I did. She looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on where. We exchanged a small silent conversation, knowing we were both from a noble family.

Patting the spot next to her she said, "I'm Amelia Kennsington."

"Farrington," I said looking at her "Helen Farrington."

She smiled as we spoke in soft voices, away from any person who might want to rat us out.

"Farrington? We're in rivalry with you, are we not?" she said softly and gently, then held out her hand, "I'm glad to meet you."

I took her hand, "Nice to be of your acquaintance." I said, "How long have you been here?"

"Not long, only a week," She said, putting her hands on her lap, "Whereas, these other girls have been here for months."

I nodded, "Have you found anything out?"

"People in black robes take the girls out and the girls never return," she said, then hugged herself, "Who knows what cruel things might have happened."

I nodded, I didn't expect her to give me much... in this situation, people panic.

"Judging from what the servants here whisper to each other, they pity us so either they don't like their master or their master is doing something really bad." she continued to my surprise.

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