The Picnic (ch. 18)

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"A picnic?" I repeated as if to make sure I was hearing correctly. Lizzy and Henry put up a puppy dog face. Behind them, Aaron stood with his arms crossed and leaned against the bookshelf. He was only here to observe how the negotiation went down. I calmly turned to Ciel, "I don't know, what do you think about it, Ciel?"

Ciel looked up from his book. "A picnic?" Lizzy grabbed Henry's hand and rushed over to Ciel, "Please! The sky is open and blue and it's perfect for a picnic!" Lizzy pleaded, knowing that if Ciel agreed to it, so would I.

"Well..." Ciel said, almost relenting. I pulled my book up and Ciel and I locked eyes. I bit my smiling lips, wondering what he was going to say. "I don't....I don't see why not...." Ciel relented, locking eyes with me. I laughed silently, putting the book over my face. Peeking over the book, Ciel had a small smile on his face, rolling his eyes at my reaction.

"Okay," I said, "I suppose we should get ready then." I turned to Aaron who was already looking at me. He seemed to have been studying me. Dropping my eyes, I put the book down slightly embarrassed. Did he see that exchange between Ciel and I just now? "We shall have scones and other delights that Sebastian can whip together." I declared, looking away.

"That would be great." Aaron said, standing up straight, "I have to try as many of his creations before I leave." Ciel smiled proudly, "It's the least that a Phantomhive butler can manage."

"I've already asked Sebastian and everything!" Lizzy said, "I've got all the details planned already. Right, Henry?" Of course Lizzy already did. She loved taking the initiative, which made things easier...but it also meant that she would plea until we agreed.

Henry nodded, and Lizzy giggled, bumping into Henry's side, "Yep, we planned it together." Henry jumped up and down, "We even chose the spot together!" I smiled, patting his head proudly, "Then I assume everything is perfect?" Lizzy couldn't help but smile widely, "Yep!"

As we strolled out to the field, Lizzy and Henry ran ahead of us, chasing butterflies. Aaron stood next to Ciel and I as Sebastian carried our stuff. It was a nice idea now that I think about it. I turned to Ciel to voice my opinion of this break, "We never go out to have a picnic."

Aaron bumped me lightly with his shoulder, "Is there a reason for that?" I shrugged with a smile, "Not that I'm aware of. Ciel and I just don't have an occasion for a picnic."

"It's because it would be just the two of us." Ciel reasoned, "and surely Lizzy would be jealous." I laughed, agreeing with him, "That is true. She'd throw an absolutely massive fit about us not inviting her." I looked over at Lizzy and Henry trying to catch a butterfly, but to no avail. It flew up to where their hands couldn't reach.

Sebastian set the blanket down and we chatted on, occasionally flitting our eyes towards the two children running in the field. "Thank you, Sebastian." I smiled gratefully when he placed a crown of flowers on my hair.

"Something so cute suits you, Helen." Aaron said, suddenly brushing a loose flyaway hair away from my face. Shifting uncomfortably with the display, I tucked my hair away while bowing my head. "Thank you, Aaron, for the compliment. However, I'm certainly sure Lizzy would do better with something this adorable."

"Nonsense." Ciel said, "You look fine." Without missing another beat, Ciel stood up, "I'm going to retrieve Elizabeth and Henry for our picnic." I fiddled with my hands, beaming at his compliment, "Please do, so we can eat. I'm surprisingly eager for a picnic."

"The clouds are growing bigger." Aaron noticed, as he looked up. I broke my gaze from Ciel's back and looked up to the sky as well. "Oh, wow, I'm surprise they've accumulated this much without our notice." Looking back down at Lizzy and Henry, I clasped my hands together. "Well, we should continue for the sake our our friend."

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