Farrington? (ch. 4)

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"The Farrington's? What about them?" I asked, racking my head to see if I could remember anything other than the fact they were another company. It came so close, practically on the edge of my thoughts, but something escaped me.

"If you do not remember, I will refresh your memories, young master," Sebastian said, flipping to a separately clipped thin stack of paper. Sebastian said, "It happened 9 years ago,"

I sat up, this seemed to have taken my interest greatly, even though I had no reason to be doing this. What was driving me to do this other than just to pry into Helen's doings?

"The Farrington's heads, master and mistress were both the only child in their family and as for their children, it was rumored that the Farrington's had a child but she or he was never seen, so it is uncertain."

I frowned, what did the Farrington have to do with Helen and Kennsington's? Even more questionable is the question as to what would make the public so uncertain about the child?

"Why would they be unsure of the Farrington's child?" I asked. Sebastian flipped a page and said, "Lady Farrington, who usually accompanies her husband on his trips, wasn't seen for 8 months. As of the effects, she stayed home and the child wasn't ever seen."

I nodded, that could have been a valid reason, or maybe she was really ill...or maybe she was missing...There could be many reasons Lady Farrington stayed home for a long time.

"They currently branch out into sweets shop, furniture, clothing, toys, jewelry, and basically along the lines of the Kennsington, the same items they sold before the incident," Sebastian said.

What incident, Sebastian was telling me all this stuff, but what does he mean incident? What happened 9 years ago?

"-worked along side Phantomhive's," Sebastian said as I tuned into his words again. "What?" I said. The Farrington's worked with the Phantomhive's? I've never heard of this, how many other associations do I not know about?

"The Farrington family were also a right hand family to the queen." Sebastian repeated for me, glancing up, "They worked alongside you're family business in the underworld and surface,"

"How come I haven't seen or heard my predecessor consult to anyone named Farrington?" I said, completely new to this. This was outrageous. A simple inspection of Helen's affiliations with Kennsington led to this?

Who were the Farrington's? I should have to meet up with them.

"Be patient, young master," Sebastian chided, "We'll get to that in no time," I sat back, my head leaned against the table, "go on then," I mumbled.

"As I said, it happened 9 years ago," Sebastian said clearing his throat, "You just hit the age of 4 when a terrorist event happened. It might have been done on purposed but it was staged and labeled as random,"

Sebastian looked up, "Everyone in the Farrington manor died that night; maids, gardeners, chefs, butler........even the master and lady of the house."

Oh, so this is why they've never contacted me, nor why I've never hear of them. So why would he even bring it up?

I glanced at him at this, "What does this have to do with the Kennsington's?" I was growing impatient, I had no need to learn about families who were deceased and pointless.

"Patience, my lord. Patience is a virtue." he said calmly, "This is the incident that caused the Kennsington to have a major rise in their products now that the head of Farrington was deceased. No other kin was available to take up the Farrington's place."

I scoffed, "And everything fell to shambles and rubbish without order and control." I said as I moved my fork over the scones set before me.

"Yes, well about 2 years ago, everything was forgotten until someone came, claiming she was heir to the Farrington company. Company's were skeptical, and they had multiple reasons, let it be said it was because they were daunted by the mere fact that Farrington was coming back."

"Daunted?" I said, "Of the woman? Or of the company who've been out of business for years?"

"Don't underestimate the Farrington company, my lord, they were half the reason Funtom got to this point." Sebastian said, "Now that I look at it. Farrington contributes very much to the Funtom company. However we've never heard of them underground."

"Okay, get on with it," I grumbled. How come they effected the companies to that point and I had no clue? And if we were working together, how is it that the woman hadn't contacted me yet?

"The queen recognized the Lady, so at one point, she must have seen the Lady, or she must have represented her predecessors to an extent." Sebastian said.

"Who is this woman?" I asked, taking my first bite into the fresh raspberry scones.

"This lady, is still a young girl, my lord," Sebastian said, "Her name is Helen Farrington,"

I practically choked on my tea as I heard that she was a young girl rather yet that it was Helen, so she wasn't a Kennsington?

..........rather someone I would work with.

"Young master?" Sebastian said, amused at my reaction.

".....Helen?" I said surprised, "As in the guest of this manor an hour ago?"

"Yes, it seemed she also knew her family was in cooperation with the Phantomhive family because their records ended there, while the records of the Phantomhive went on," Sebastian explained, "All she had to do was look back."

"What does this have to do with the Kennsington?" I asked, taking a sip of the tea.

"Ah, she seemed to be around the passing area when people jumped her. I found her carriage burned in the forest, in a rather small pile of ashes. I made out what I could for the coat of arms and found out about the Farrington's," Sebastian said.

"Very well," I said, "What proof is there the Kennsington are behind this?"

"I found an imprint of their coat of arms on the dried mud," Sebastian said.

I grimaced, "What idiot would take the family symbol while doing such a job?" Leaning back, I sighed, "Does Helen really need to put me through the trouble of contacting her? Especially when she was just here?"

"I have a feeling, Lady Helen would not want to partner up with the Phantomhive if we do not want to help," Sebastian guessed, "Even before, she helped silently. Maybe, she does not want to alarm young master with her presence." That is until yesterday.

I frowned, what excuse could she have? All this effort to see what she's been up to. "So the queen acknowledged that the Farrington heir had come?" I said, "If so, how come I wasn't notified?"

"You were busy with a case and the next few days after you fell ill," Sebastian said.

I looked down, well, I know what Helen's doings, now. Well, too the extent of the Farrington company. "Invite Lady Farrington over, I have some issues I need to talk about with her," I said. She'd be surprised to see how fast I've descovered her.

But a noble lady isn't suppose to know how to jump on horses, never the less escape wreckage as easily as she did. Was she not worried about tarnishing her name? We definitely had issues to discuss. We definitely had things to catch up on but what we definitely needed to do was converse about this recent discovery.

She surely wouldn't mind it being squeezed out of her.

"Yes, My Lord," Sebastian said, bowing. 

A/N: I don't know why but I felt something off about this one....oh well.

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Well, bye! ^-^

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