Part 26

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~next week~

Rebecca's POV:
"we're here guys" Dan whispered gently shaking mine and Phil's shoulders. I soon realised that me and Phil had been leaning our heads on each other, we pulled away instantly blushing from embarrassment. "get your filthy hands off my lady" Dan growled. "Dan, i'm so sorry. It meant nothing, she's like my sis-" Phil's attempts to explain where cut off by Dan's hyena- like laugh. "I'm just joking man, I know you would never do anything like that!" Dan reasoned putting his hand on Phil's shoulder making

Dan's POV:

"Ahh, feels so nice to be home" I moaned whilst stretching. "Hey Dan, come look at this" Phil shouted from the hallway. Phil passed me this dark purple slip and I started to read it whilst raising my eyebrow.
'To Dan and Phil,
You've been invited to Jesse's 22nd birthday party!
When: March 13
Time: 9pm till late
Venue: The cargo nightclub Its actually a real nightclub in London, check it out!
Please RSVP as soon as possible :)'

"It's today Daniel, you coming?" Phil asked. "i'll have to ask Rebecca if it's okay first" "That's probably a good idea, we all know Jessie has a crush on you" Phil smirked causing me to shove him lightly.

D- Hey Rebecca!
R- Hello Daniel The Spaniel!
D- please don't call me that
R- your viewers, not me.
D- okay, sooo... Jessie is having a huge part for her birthday, and she's invited me and Phil, so can i go?
R- Dan of course you can go! You don't need to ask me if you can hang out with your girl- friends, i'm fine with that
D- Wow, I have the coolest girlfriend in the world
R- I know
D- hey! Anyways have to get ready now, bye Love you!
R- Love you too!


I checked the mirror again making sure I looked good, I was wearing black skinny jeans (of course), the white moth tshirt and my leather jacket that Rebecca loves. "Come on Dan, we're gonna be late" Phil yelled by the door. "Fashionably late my friend".

*at the nightclub*

jesse's POV:

This was amazing, dancing surrounded by all my best friends,having an amazing time and not having a care in the world.
well, thats a lie. There was one thing I couldn't get out of my head. Actually, one person.
I had vowed to myself that tonight I was going to tell Dan how I felt and even if that meant looking like an idiot, I was finally ready.

"Hey Ashley, have you seen Dan and Phil?" I asked her. "No but you should try the food table, Phil told me that they always go there in parties!" She screamed making sure I could hear,"I'll take you!" she grabbed my hands and led me to the food. And sure enough Dan and Phil were there. I giggled at the sight of Dan trying to fit a whole a whole meringue in his mouth and failing hard.

"Hey guys!" I screeched coming up to them "Hey! happy birthday!" Phil said hugging me "Happy Birthday Jess!"Dan said and he opened his arms as an invitation for me. I liked it when he called me Jess, it sounded cute when he said it. I inhaled his scent, it smelt very musky but sweet the smell intoxicated me. I didn't want to let go of Dan's warm embrace but we had been hugging for way too long now. "Here's your present!" Dan smiled awkwardly pulling away, I ripped off the blue wrapping paper to reveal a beautiful wooden turquoise photo frame with a picture of the four of us when they took us to go sightseeing in London. "I love it! Thanks guys" I proclaimed and hugged them both again. "Look Ashley, remember this!" I cooed to Ashley. "That's so nice!" She said, "he's totally into you" she whispered to me making me blush.

"Um, Ashley. I was wondering if you wanted to- um, dance with me?" Phil asked Ashley nervously. Ashley's cheeked turned a bright red colour causing me and Dan to giggle, "yes" she mumbled and Phil's face lit up. He took her hand gently and led her to the middle of the dance floor.

Me and Dan awkwardly looked out into the dance floor, neither one of us wanting to make the first move. And like destiny the song I had requested to play for Dan came on.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" I yelled jumping up and down. Hey wanna Dance?!" he asked me and of course I said yes. Dan's rough hands grabbed my soft ones and he dragged me into the huge crowd of people. He put his hands on my hips, I put mine on his shoulders and we swayed together in time with the beat.God his eyes were so beautiful, I had never noticed the gold specks scattered around in his chocolate coloured eyes. His lips were so pink and perky, all I wanted to do was kiss them.

I was ready now, this was the moment to tell him my feelings. But it wasn't going to work here, the music was too loud. "DAN FOLLOW ME!" I yelled over the booming music, he nodded so I took that as consent. I took him to the second floor on a balcony overlooking the whole club, it was quite beautiful to be honest. "Why are here?" Dan pondered. "I have to tell you something." I announced. "This may seem crazy, but ever since I saw you I've really like you and i'm falling for you more and more each day. I know i'm crazy and I feel like a complete idiot because you don't feel the same way. Right?" I confessed.

Dan's face was completely blank. Nothing, I would've preferred him to be angry but the silence was killing me. "Sorry Dan, I guess I know how you feel now" I got up to walk away but Dan grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me back down again. And he did the unexpected, he crashed his lips into mine. At first I didn't move, I was still in shock, But after a while I got into it. My hands moved up into his hair and his on my back causing the kiss to deepen. It was amazing. Eventually Dan pulled away and continued to look into my eyes.

"There you are Dan!" Phil smiled coming in and ruining our perfect moment, "We have some good news, Me and Phil are dating!" Ashley screamed. "Omg! I'm so happy for you!" I screamed as well. "come on Dan, we need to get going now" Phil acknowledged. I hugged Phil after he had hugged Ashley, but it felt wrong to hug Dan for some reason. "Bye!" Phil beamed as he and Dan walked out the venue.

Phil's POV:

"Dan! You were so rude! You didn't even say goodbye!" I shouted. "Phil I kissed jessie" Dan confessed with regret in his eyes. "YOU DID WHAT!" I screamed hitting him on the arm, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" "I don't know, I was drunk Phil! And now this stupid kiss is gonna ruin my relationship with Rebecca. And poor Jessie she thinks I actually like her now" He admitted with his head in his hands. "Wait, you told jessie that you had a girlfriend, right?" "That may not have come out" He squeaked. "YOU IDIOT!". "I know, I know i'm such a dick, what am I gonna do!" He cried
"You have to tell Rebecca"
"No, I can't"
"Why, if it meant nothing it's not a problem"
"That's the problem Phil. It meant something"

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