Part 4

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Dan's POV:

*RING RING* My phone rang, I groggily picked it up and saw it was Rebecca, this caused me to immediately answer the phone call.
R- hey Dan!
D- hi Rebecca
R- so you forgot your jacket when you left my place
D- I was looking for that! Would you mind swinging around my place and giving it to me
R- no that's fine, I'll be there in 10 minutes
D- okay I'll quickly text you my address
R- cool, see you there then
D- bye!
"PHIIILLL" I yelled from my bed, "someones gonna come over"
"Oh is this the girl's house you stayed out yesterday" he smirked. I just rolled my eyes and continued to scroll until the doorbell went off.

Rebecca's POV: 

"Oh my God thank you, this is such a great opportunity.I'd love to take it" I answered the people at the bbc. "great, filming starts in a month's time" The lady told me. I had been offered a chance to make my own documentary, which including travelling for about five months to film it. But I couldn't take it, I had so much things to do here in London.  

I nervously pressed the doorbell and waited for it to open, I was praying that Dan would answer it because I'm not good with meeting new people, even if Phil was the sweetest person ever. The door rapidly opened not giving me enough time to collect my thoughts "hey Rebecca!" Phil greeted hugging me unexpectedly, the rumours were true he is a hugger, "I really love your videos!" "Wow, I love yours too!" I responded happily.
"Sup Rebecca" a voice called from inside, I looked to see who it was and there was Dan leaning on the wall trying to act really cool. "Hi cool kid" I responded sarcastically whilst ruffled his hair and then walked into the lounge with Phil.
"I like this one!" Phil laughed "ugh stop attacking me guys" Dan moaned causing me and Phil to laugh even more.
"So here's your jacket Daniel" I smiled as I handed his jacket over to him. "Thank you so much Rebecca" he said, "oh that reminds me! I have something for you!" Dan grabbed me by the wrist even though I hadn't said anything and brought me to his room. "Wait one second while I just go and grab it" he instructed me. I looked around at his bedroom, it was exactly as he portrayed it in his videos extremely messy. "Here we are" he yelled excitedly,"okay so when I met fallout boy with BBC radio one, they gave me this T-shirt and I got all the band members to sign it. And Phil the idiot put it in the wash and shrunk it, it's not that small but I can't wear it anymore so I thought I'd give it to you" he explained.
Out of nowhere I wrapped my arms around Dan.  What are you doing Rebecca this is just gonna make this situation horrifically awkward. I waited in anticipation for him to accept the hug so I wouldn't look like a complete idiot, thankfully he hugged back and we stayed in each other's arms for a while. "Thanks Dan" I whispered into his neck and taking in his scent. "Hey" Dan cheered whilst pulling away, "how about you stay for dinner with me and Phil?" "That would be great" I responded with a smile.

Dan took me back into the lounge and we sat down on the sofa next to each other. "Hey Phil we're gonna order pizza, what do you want?" Dan asked opening his laptop. "I'll have Hawaiian" Phil responded. Dan ordered the Hawaiian pizza and the pepperoni one to his cart "Rebecca?" "Can I have the margarita please?" I told Dan, "yeah I know, I'm boring".

DING DONG the doorbell rang "I'll get it!" Dan yelled and got up from the sofa quickly and skipped to the door. "That boy and his pizza" Phil uttered.
As I was walking to the kitchen to get some drinks, I noticed that the money for the pizza was still on the side, so I took it upon myself to go and deliver it to Dan. "Here you go Daniel" I cheered as I gave him the money "thanks, I was wondering where that went" Dan told me. He handed the money over to the guy and I went back upstairs to go sit with Phil. I stopped halfway when I heard Dan start to yell at the delivery guy "for fucks sake, stop drooling over her like that, she's not something on display for you to look at like that" Dan yelled and slammed the door. I smiled to Myself at how protective Dan was over me.

"It's been so great, but it's getting really late and I do have to go" I told them politely. "No that's fine" Phil responded. "It was so nice to meet you Phil" I said whilst hugging him "I'll walk you to the door" Dan suggested and lead me to the front door. "Thanks Dan" "for what?" "Getting the food and stuff" I responded dumbly. "Ain't nothing but a chicken wing" he joked "please never say that again" I laughed, "see you soon Daniel" "make sure you text me when you get home" Dan instructed pulling me into a hug. "Bye Dan" I smiled walking out of their house.
Ugh, I hate walking home late at night, especially in London. So many random strangers who look so scary and I know don't judge a book by its cover, but can you blame me. I got my phone out to show all the crack heads that I could call the police at any time. As I walked past an alleyway, I suddenly felt two hands grab me from behind "hello there petty lady" a rough voice spoke," we're gonna have some fun tonight" I tried with all my might to push him away and escape, but I had no luck. I closed my eyes and felt the tears stream down my face realising that nothing could stop what was about to happen. "WHAT THE FUCK" a loud voice yelled from the street, "GET THE FUCK OFF HER".
The guy was Dan.
Thank God he was here.
Dan ran up to me and shoved the guy off me, I backed away to the wall and cried silently whilst watching Dan best up the man. After Dan had beaten the man to the point where he couldn't move a muscle he ran over to me.
"Dan" I cried as he held me in his arms . "Sshh it's okay Rebecca, I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you now" he comforted me. I continued to bawl my eyes out into Dans shoulder. "Come on, you're staying with me and Phil tonight." He told me.
He picked me up bridal style with my head still buried into the crook of his neck, and he brought me back to his place.

Dan's POV:
I was so mad when I saw that dickhead trying to touch Rebecca like that. She didn't deserve that, no one did. I bursted into my apartment with Rebecca and startled Phil who was on the sofa drinking tea. "What happened?" He Asked assessing the scene. I told Phil everything that happened and he was disgusted. "I'm gonna make you some hot chocolate" he said as he ran to the kitchen. "Hey, do you want some clothes to change into?" I asked her and she nodded slowly. I gave her some sweatpants and An old small t shirt. "So, you're gonna sleep in my room tonight, if you need anything just come and get me of call me. " i told her as I turned off my room light and started to walk away. "Wait" he mumbled," I don't want to be alone tonight, do you mind staying with me?" She asked me. "No of course not" I made her aware as I got into the bed with her. "No one will ever hurt you as long as I'm here" I told her.
"Thank goodness you forgot your fall out boy shirt"

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