Part 25

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Rebecca's POV:

I watched the waves calmly crashing onto the shore of Brighton beach and took in some of the fresh air. I took a deep breath and admired my surroundings, maybe I should go out more. My tumblr feeling faded immediately as I felt a bird land on my head.  

"um. Zoe. There's a bird on my head." I stuttered looking at Zoe. "Oh my gosh!" she giggled, "I have to get a picture!" She held up her phone and took a photo of me looking very distressed with a flipping seagull on my head. "perfect" she said fondly looking at the photo. 

"Great, but can you help me with my...problem" She came close to me and shooed the bird off gently. "thanks Zoe" "no problem, you get used to the seagulls when you live in Brighton".

Me, Dan and Phil were staying in Brighton for a few days just to shoot a few collabs and go sightseeing. I was currently helping Zoe film her new lookbook, which took place at Brighton beach. Which I now hated, I didn't expect the wildlife to bloody land on my head. I quickly flattened my hair and tried to get out the tangled parts due to that seagull.

"Dan!" Zoe screeched running up to Dan, "Becca got a bird on her head!" Dan burst into fits of laughter whilst Zoe showed him the photo. "what happened?" Phil asked walking over with a large ice cream. Zoe held her phone up and Phil laughed hysterically too, causing him to drop his ice cream. 

"I wish I saw that" Dan laughed holding my hand "and you won't get to do this anymore if you continue to laugh" I play scolded him. "Aw you guys are so cute" Zoe squealed "it gets annoying how great they are together" Phil groaned lightly shoving Dan's shoulder. 


"High Five!" Pj yelled enthusiastically and we slapped our hands together. "Good Collab p-dog' "please don't ever call me that again" he laughed. "p-slice,the peej monster, p-dizzle, any of those instead?" I said causing us to both laugh. 

"well, if you want to go and subscribe to Rebecca  and check out the video we did on her channel, fondle her face with your mouse" Pj said to the camera "Bye!" we both waved turning off the device.

"that was so fun!" i yelled "welcome to kick the pj am i right!" he responded. 

"quick question if you don't mind me asking, are you and Dan actually going out?" He asked me seriously and I felt the heat from my cheeks start to rise "yes actually... but don't say anything just yet" I informed him happily 

"legend of Zelda?" he asked me "ocarina of time?" I quizzed "who do you take me for?" he laughed sliding the disk in. 


Dan's POV:

My God she was beautiful. The way her blue eyes glistened in the sunlight, her silky brown hair flowed as she moved. "Dan" she said waving her hand in front of my face. "oh sorry" I muttered snapping out of my daze. "Come on, we need to get ready for tonight" she told me whilst she grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me across the beach. 

"tonight? whats happening tonight?" I asked dumbly. "the big dinner that Zoe's been planning" She explained, "how did you forget, Zoe's been going on about it!". "sorry, i just got lost in your eyes" I complimented. I immediately regretted saying that after as it didn't come out quite as romantic as i'd hoped it would be and instead a bit more cocky causing her to scoff. 


Zoe's POV: 

CRASH! "Zoe! Are you okay?!" Rebecca cried running into my room wearing nothing but a robe. I looked at my current situation to gather that I had fallen, making me burst out laughing. "These heels are a bit too high" I giggled.

"What happened here!" Louise laughed coming into the room with only half of her hair curled. "Heels" I explained and Louise nodded knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"i've got to get ready then" Rebecca noted helping me up, "Okay go on get ready then" I mused, "gotta look nice for Daniel" Louise smirked making her blush.


"think i'm done" I beamed to myself admiring my beautiful blue and white stripy short dress that made me look a bit like a sailor.  

"Guys! Are you ready?!" I called from the living room and Louise and Rebecca ran down the stairs. "wow, you too look amazing" I squealed "you look gorgeous too Zoe" they both said in unison. Louise wore a beautiful pink floral dress and Rebecca wore a lovely short berry dress with a thick gold necklace that went perfectly with it. "i'm so excited" Louise sang "same, can't wait too see Troye, I haven't seen him in ages!" Rebecca mused. 


Dan's POV:

"You looked so beautiful tonight" I told Rebecca whilst taking off my blazer "You looked very handsome too" she said blushing whilst taking off her heels. 

"Dan" she called from the bathroom,"can you get the makeup wipes from my bag please?" 
I rummaged through her bag until I found the wipes and I tossed them to her. "put them back please"She pleaded kissing my cheek.

I quickly checked my phone to see if i had any new messages and to my surprise I had one from Jessie. 'hey, it's jessie I got a new number!'. for some reason i decided to text back. 'and what are you doing up so late at night missy ;)' 
J- I'm nocturnal Daniel 
D- add that to the list of things we have in common 
J- not to sound like a stalker but where did you and Phil go?
D- we went to go and visit some friends in Brighton
J- oh was it Zoe and Alfie
D- how did you know that ;)
J-I may or may not have internet stalked you when we first met
D- oh really, whys that then ;)
J- You're really cute and I always stalk my crushes ;) 

That comment left me smiling like a maniac, just as I was about to respond, Rebecca walked in. "who were you texting" she asked innocently giving me a quick peck on the lips. "oh just my mum, she wanted me to get her a fridge magnet from Brighton" I lied. 

Why did I lie? Rebecca was my girlfriend and she trusts me. All I had to say was 'it was just Jesse'. THATS IT. SO WHY DID I TELL HER IT WAS MY MOTHER. Rebecca has told me she's not the jealous type. So if it was nothing, why did I feel like I just cheated on Rebecca.   

Ooh, trouble in paradise. If you guys enjoyed this chapter plz vote it helps get the story out there. Feel free to comment about what you thought of the chapter, or anything even if it's what you ate for dinner XD 

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