Part 24

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Dan's POV:

"HOW DID IT GO" Phil screamed when he saw me almost knocking over his cheerios.  

"it went perfectly" I told him, "you were right I didn't need a plan, everything was so natural" "see this is why you should listen to me" Phil cheered and I scoffed.  "hey where is Rebecca anyways?" Phil asked, "I dropped her off at her place, she needed to shoot a video" I explained. 

I flopped onto the sofa and took a deep breath thinking about yesterday night. It was so amazing, I haven't done that with anyone in a long time and with Rebecca it felt even more amazing than I could've ever imagined. "did you use a condom?" Phil asked me out of the blue making me feel all hot and flustered. 

"wha- how did you-" I started nervously before Phil cut me off, "Well you booked a hotel room and you started blushing as soon as I mentioned her name" He told me making my cheeks even hotter "yes we did use one" I mumbled chucking a cushion at Phil 

Before the cushion could hit his body, the doorbell went off. I gave Phil a death glare knowing it was probably another house plant he ordered. I stomped over to the door still giving Phil evil looks as he hid his face behind the pillow. Instead of a green plant, I was met by our new neighbours. 

"hey" I muttered leaning against the door frame ,"oh hey Dan" Jesse said blushing, she wasn't very good at hiding it. "um, this is super embarrassing but um... uh.. um-" Jesse started before she was cut off by Ashley," so we wanted to go and get some bits and pieces for the house, and we have no idea where to go" "we tried to use google maps, but it kept freezing!" Jesse chimed in, after them dropping hints, I then realised what they were trying to ask. "well me and Phil could show you where to go" Jesse's eyes lit up, "really?! thank you!" she cheered blushing.


*in John Lewis*

"we really need a whisk" Jesse said to Ashley making me immediately gag at the memories of the 'whisk'. "is something wrong?" Ashley asked seeming concerned "no, i'm fine just a bad memory" I explained to them vaguely not wanting to tell them it was a disgusting porno because that would be kind of hard to explain. 

Phil and Ashley continued to look at the cutlery while me and Jesse started to look at the DVDs. "You're danisnotonfire!" a young girl said running up to me, "I love you! Can I take a selfie with you" she asked. "of course,whats your name?" "Lana" "thats a lovely name" I said taking a couple selfies with her and hugging her goodbye. 

I turned back to Jesse after Lana had ran off, she gave me a confused expression as I scratched the back of my neck "Danisnotonfire?" She quizzed as I could feel myself blushing again "Well, I make youtube videos and um yeah..." I tried to tell her. She suddenly moved her face a lot closer to mine and pinched my cheek "well hello mr. Danisnotonfire" She whispered making me gulp.

"OH MY GOD THEY HAVE THE COMPLETE GOSSIP GIRL COLLECTION" she screamed causing everyone to look at us "ah, it's too expensive for me to get" she exclaimed sadly and me being the overly nice person I am I had to get it for her. "I don't mind getting it for you" "no, it's too much" "no no I insist" i said picking up the boxset. "THANK YOU DAN" she cried and gave me a huge hug and I reluctantly her hugged back.


Phil's POV:

I placed all the shopping bags on the dining table and collapsed onto the sofa sitting next to Dan who was mindlessly scrolling through tumblr. I whipped out my phone trying not to drop it and opened up twitter. As soon as I saw my timeline, I was overcome with shock and even dropped my phone in disbelief. "Careful!" Dan groaned at me. "YOU KNOBHEAD" I screamed at him and started to hit his arm. "Phil! ow ow ow what the fuck?" He yelled out in pain and confusion. "You cheated on Rebecca" I spat at him after he pushed me away "What? no, i'd never do that" He cried. 

I handed him my phone which he reluctantly took and started to scroll through. He started to look really distressed and chucked the phone down on the sofa. The whole of my timeline where photos of what seemed to be Dan and Jesse kissing and hugging. "Lana" He muttered angrily "who's that?" I asked him. 

"There was a fan at the shop and she must of taken those photos out of context" He explained rubbing his hands together nervously. "what was the context then?" I quizzed Dan. 

"well in the first photo, she was pinching my cheeks because I told her my youtube name and in the second one I got her a gift so she hugged me. I swear that's all that happened" Dan poured his heart out. He really did love Rebecca and I doubt he would throw it all away for Jesse. "I believe you Dan, but what about Rebecca" I informed him. 

"I have to go" Dan explained throwing on his jacket and running out the door most likely to go and explain everything to her. 

I just hope he doesn't screw up this relationship. I've seen him date a lot of girls before, but it was never something like this. 

Dan's POV: 

"Rebecca, it's me Dan, open up" I cried knocking on her door not wanting to use my actual key at this sensitive time. After a couple seconds of me waiting anxiously, the door opened leading me to look at a angry Rebecca. I noticed her eyes were slightly puffy and a little bit glossy like she'd been crying, had I made her cry. 

"I'm so so so so sorry" I cried grabbing her hands forcing her to look into my eyes. She pulled them away harshly and looked away "Dan. Explain" she growled sitting down on the sofa.

"so me and phil went to take Jesse and Ashley out shopping as they don't know there way around, So she found out what my youtube name was and pinched my cheeks because she thought it was cute. And we hugged because I felt bad because she couldn't afford this box set so I got it for her because I felt really awkward" I explained pouring my heart out to her. "Rebecca I would never ever cheat on you, I love you" I cried letting my tears cause my vision go blurry.

"Dan, I love you" She spoke suddenly and pulled me into a kiss. "I should've known you'd never be so cruel" 

"why are you blushing" I giggled poking her soft cheeks, "because, I just thought of last night again" She smiled making me think of last night when we had sex for the first time together. "You're so beautiful" I  told her, "everywhere" I gestured looking down at her body making her cheeks turn even pinker. "You were amazing" she complimented closing her eyes. "you weren't too bad yourself Jones" I winked. 

"wanna try it again?" She asked me devilishly "fuck yes" I smirked kissing her. 


We both breathe out heavily trying to catch our breath, I crawled back next to her in bed and pulled her cream covers over us now covering our naked top halves. "that was amazing" she breathed out and snuggled into my bare chest. "I love you" I mused cleaning up her messy hair "I love you too" She connected our lips for a short but sweet kiss. 

"Stay the night?" She asked me as I closed my eyes and inhaled her scent "Of course" I spoke kissing the top of her head as we both drifted off to sleep 

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