Part 8

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Rebecca's POV:

I was rudely woken up to the sound of sonic being played, at 8 am. Phil was staying here overnight because he couldn't handle Amy. Thank God Phil was a heavy sleeper so he didn't hear all the shit last night between me and Dan. "Are you sure the volume can't go any louder?" I asked Phil entering the living room. "Sorry Rebecca" Phil apologised turning down the volume, "why did it stink of vomit in here?" Phil asked with a disgusted look on his face. My mind went back to Dan puking all over my floor and me scrubbing all of it up for ages. Thanks Dan. "Really? I didn't smell anything" I lied because Phil didn't need to know everything about last night.

I stumbled over to the kitchen, still tired, and began pouring some cereal. "What time are Zoe and them getting here?" Phil questioned. "Shit! I forgot about that" I complained, I checked my phone for any messages to signal where they were.

Z- Hey Rebecca! Gonna be in London in about 3 hours. Took so long for everyone to get ready, especially Joe!

"Zoe said about three hours" I told Phil. "Perfect" He stated, " I have time to finish playing Sonic".

Dan's POV:
"Dan, come on get ready" Phil yelled walking into our apartment. "Uggh for what" I moaned rubbing my head. "Zoe and the others are coming today" he explained and I groaned. "Hey Phillip" Rebecca greeted Phil as she walked in. "Rebecca" I tried to yell but my voice was so sore. "Dan are you okay after last night?" She asked quietly striding into my room. "What happened last night?"
"Well you and Amy broke up, you drank a lot came over to my house. Tried to kiss me and then threw up all over my carpet" she told me. I threw my head back and groaned feeling so embarrassed at how stupid I was. "Promise me you didn't take anything I said seriously last night" "don't worry, I didn't" she comforted, "I still can't take you seriously after  you projectile vomited on my carpet".
"hello everyone!" Zoe cheered giving me a sharp pain in my head, I forgot how loud she could be. Rebecca and Phil greeted everyone with huge smiles on their faces and I stood smiling at them awkwardly. After they had all said their hellos and stuff, everyone went over to the lounge. I stopped Rebecca and pulled her by the wrist "Becca is it okay if I have a nap" I asked her, "sure Daniel, what do you want me to say to them?"  She thought. "Just tell them I went out with some friends from uni and got wasted" I told her and she nodded. I stumbled into my room, crawled under the covers and sighed of relief that I didn't have to deal with my headache

Phil's POV:
"Yo where did Dan go?" Alfie asked Rebecca as she entered the lounge. "He went out with some uni friends yesterday and now he has a hangover and stuff" she clearly lied. I didn't know if everyone could tell but I could. Something was up and I intend to get answers.
"Who wants tea?!" I asked and everyone cheered. How British. "Come on Rebecca" I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to the kitchen.
"Alright, I'll bring in snacks and you boil the kettle" she planned grabbing a bag of Doritos. "First, you tell me what's going on with Dan" I ordered. "I don't know" she responded quietly whilst still focusing on putting the crisps in the bowl. "Just tell me" I whined. "Fine" she moaned and closed the kitchen door so no one could hear. "Last night, Dan and Amy broke up and Dan drank, a lot. He came over to my house last night and tried to kiss me. Then he vomited all over my carpet" she told me. "So that's what that smell was" I laughed.  666 HAIL SATAN
Dan's POV:
"DAAAAAAAAAAANNNN" I heard a voice yell in my room, suddenly I could feel someone jump on me. I looked up and there was Louise, straddling me. "Thanks Louise" I groaned, she woke me up from my nap :(
"Jesus Christ guys" Caspar moaned, "why am I never invited to these things". Me and Louise both looked at each other and immediately burst out laughing. "Rebecca told us you had fun last night" Louise smirked getting off me. "Yeah, you know uni mates always getting rowdy with them" I lied hoping Rebecca had gone along with my story. "That's why I rarely see mine" she added.


I adjusted my tie to make sure i'd look somewhat neat. I was still pretty bummed about everything that had happened and I did not feel like going out to a nightclub with the girl i'm head over heels for. It's not fair, I wish I could stay home and scroll through tumblr but it'd be rude if I did that so i'm forced to socialize. "Come on Dan! we're waiting for you!" Phil yelled from the door and I quickly made my way over to the others. Me, Phil, Chris and Pj were going over to Rebecca's to collect the ladies and everyone else had already made their way over to the club- they'd probably be drunk by the time we got there. 

"KickTheStickz is canon guys" Chris cheered as he grabbed Pj's hand. We all chuckled at Chris's childlike excitement. Pj and Chris skipped off happily as me and Phil walked behind watching them. "So Rebecca told me about the carpet incident last night" Phil smirked as I buried my head in my hand in shame. "Don't worry she found it funny" He reassured me but I still felt embarrassed at my behaviour.   

Phil eagerly  knocked on Rebecca's door and we all waited in silence for a response. Zoe happily opened the door and greeted us "Hey everyone! we're already" She cheered. Everyone came flooding out of the door, I tried to look for Rebecca as everyone walked off but I just couldn't see her so I gave up and started walking off with the crowd. "Oh Dan wait for me!" Rebecca called running out of her door and locking it after her. She grabbed me by the hand and I felt a twang of electricity run through my veins. She pulled me along and ran as we catched up with the others. "God i'm unfit" I heaved making her laugh. she looked up at me and I didn't realise I was staring, I just couldn't look away. Fuck she was gorgeous. "Ugh get a room" Tyler teased and Rebecca turned a shade of red and i could feel myself getting embarrassed as everyone looked toward us. 

When we got to the club, we found the other lot who had already consumed a large amount of alcohol. I went over to Phil and we both picked out our drinks, I immediately drank my vodka and lemonade not caring if it was a 'girls drink'. Marcus handed me a shot of tequila and I gladly accepted it, tequila is a wonderful thing. Most of us made our way on the dance floor, I stayed glued to my seat with Phil watching Rebecca go with her friends. "Dan, Phil come dance with me" Louise begged grabbing our hands and leading us down, damn she was strong. 

Some generic club song came on and everyone started jumping so I just followed along, still watching Rebecca like a stalker. I could feel myself becoming sweatier and hotter by the moment as I attempted to dance and getting very close with dancing strangers. Suddenly a familiar tune came up and Rebecca's face lit up. Then the person started to sing and I was met with the deep, angelic voice of Andy black. We don't have to dance was playing and seeing Rebecca getting so excited about it made me so happy. I took a deep breath and swallowed my fear, I started walking up to her and grabbed her by the hands. She looked shocked at first but that faded away when she realised it was only me. We moved our hands and danced like absolute idiots but at that moment in time I really didn't care, it was just me and her. As the song came to a close the music got quieter and I knew what I had to do. I didn't care that I was drunk, I had to kiss her. I moved toward her slowly and she followed. Our lips were so close that I could feel her hot breath on my lips. Suddenly my lips felt cold again, I opened my eyes and there I was, alone on the dancefloor. 


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