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special thanks to marie ( @sadtadpole ) for the beautiful fan cover above. she actually gave me a pep talk before helping me write this chapter, so this is dedicated to her.


       Nathan took Tulip home; he tucked her into his jacket, with her head poking out under his chin. He liked how warm she felt. He still felt nervous about going home, though. His father's temper was a force to be reckoned with, and he had other things to worry about: like writing that one song and taking care of Tulip.

       Catherine loaned him an umbrella, because the sky had thick, grey clouds that threatened a heavy downpour. It was a bit broken up, but at the first drop, Nathan pressed the button and it popped up smoothly. He smiled down at Tulip, who was snuggled up in his jacket, purring softly.

       Then the drizzle thickened, and Nathan was blinded by a wall of water running off his umbrella. He felt the water seep into his shoes. Around him, people were running for shelter; one man almost bumped into Nathan as he tried to take shelter under the overhung roof of the nearest building. Then his eyes caught the sight of her, not running, but briskly walking with her bag above her head—as if that would help.

       Her body was drenched and her makeup was slightly washing away. Nathan heard a voice in the back of his mind say, "Thanks, rain."

       "Bree!" He called to her. The girl's head rose, and she squinted through the large droplets of water falling from the heavens. She froze and held a blank expression on her face.

       "Well, are you gonna stand in the rain or get under the umbrella?"

       What was he thinking? The umbrella was small, but his conscience couldn't allow him to leave her like that.

       "Are you sure?" she asked. Nathan nodded and motioned for her to get under the umbrella quickly. Their shoulders touched as they both tried to fit underneath the umbrella; Nathan clutched the spot where Tulip laid in his jacket, just to make sure she was safe.

       Tulip's quiet meow caught the attention of Bree, and her eyes lit up upon the sight of the cute kitten.

       "Oh my gosh, that kitty's so adorable! Is she yours?" She asked, her voice soft and sweet in Nathan's ears.

       Nathan took this as a chance to spark up a real conversation with Bree: something other than talking about Neil or Kat.

       "Yeah... well, for now, at least," Nathan replied.

       Bree's hand reached out and touched Tulip's head; the kitten closed her eyes and purred loudly. Nathan watched as she stared at the creature under his shirt in awe, with her lips turned up into a broad smile, and her eyes twinkling in the gloomy weather. The rain may have washed her makeup off, but she was still beautiful, and Nathan tried his best not to blurt it out like an idiot.

       "The weather's pretty scary, but she seems so comfortable with you," Bree smiled up at him.

       "You're right, but why aren't you at home? School let out three hours ago."

       Bree's smile faded, and she looked sheepishly to the ground.

       "I was actually heading to Neil's place..." she mumbled, slowing her pace down a bit.

       "Oh, well looks like you're not going to make it in this weather," Nathan spoke in almost a happy, satisfied tone, and he didn't regret it. Maybe, just maybe, he saved her from having a bad night; Neil looked like the kind of guy that would ruin your night with just one word. The expression on Bree's face suddenly changed, and the rain poured harder, beating down on the umbrella above their heads.

       "I should probably go home," she said, putting a little more space between Nathan and herself.

       "Would you make it without catching a cold?" Nathan asked.

       "I can try," Bree shrugged.

       Then, Nathan did the unthinkable. Something he wouldn't have done in a million years if it was someone else.

       "You can stay over at my place until the weather gets better. We're not far, just a few more blocks until we get there."

       "I... I shouldn't," Bree replied reluctantly. She began stepping away from him and back into the rain, but Nathan stopped her and pulled her back underneath the umbrella and close to him.

       "Just until it stops raining cats and dogs. You're soaked already, too," Nathan said, looking at her with much anticipation. He didn't want her to refuse, but he didn't want to come across as a creep or a weirdo, which he thought he probably has already.

       He just invited a girl over to his house. A girl (he didn't want to admit) he liked, but probably shouldn't. A girl that switched personalities so fast, it made him nauseated. The mere thought of Bree Pasko stepping through the threshold of his front door, wearing wet clothing and a shy smile on her face as she complained about making a mess on their new carpet made Nathan nervous.

       No, not nervous; it scared him.

       If anything, his 'stay-out-of-everyone's-business' voice in his mind should have screamed: "FUCK NO!" when he saw her on the street, soaked to the bone.

       But it didn't, and now, Bree Pasko was inside his house, ruining his dad's new carpet and looking as shy and vulnerable as ever.

       Nathan was nervous.


i'm BACK and i'm sorry for not updating for SO LONG.

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