Tulip & Music

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       Like she said, Catherine and Nathan walked the pie off for another three blocks until they stopped at another tall building. The outside looked a little fancy, but the inside was just four plain walls with a few chairs and an old woman behind the front desk; she was asleep with a newspaper displayed in front of her.

       "That's Gloria," Catherine pointed out. "She's a pretty nice lady, once you look past her mean outer-crust."

       They got in the elevator, and she pressed the button for the third floor. The elevator music was quite unbearable for him, though his mother seemed pretty calm and casual. Of course, she was used to it by now, wasn't she?

       The ding of the elevator, followed by the door opening came as a relief to Nathan.

       "Room 412," Catherine mumbled as she searched in her bag for her keys.

       The halls were narrow, so Nathan ended up walking behind his mother. The walls were a yellowish color, probably not the original color, though. There were some stains on the carpet, and it smelled like wood varnish.

       They reached the end of the hall and stopped at the door labelled 412. Catherine got her keys, and fumbled with the lock for a moment before the clicking of the lock was heard. As she opened the door, Nathan felt something furry touch his foot. He looked down to see a very furry, grey kitten.

       A smile crept up on his face, and he reached down to pick it up.

       "Her name's Tulip," his mother told him.

       "Tulip?" Nathan questioned as she held her up close to his face.


       Nathan smiled and gently scratched behind her ear. She seemed to like it.

       "I found her hiding in the pot of tulips outside on the balcony," Catherine pointed out the opened window.


       Tulip licked Nathan's finger; her rough tongue felt weird against his finger, but it was a new sensation, and it kind of felt good.

       "Have a seat, I'll be back," his mother said before disappearing into another room.

       Nathan walked over the couch (it was very old looking, but it smelled like flowers). He placed Tulip on his lap, where she sat comfortably. Nathan rubbed her head with his index finger, causing her to close her eyes and purr. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and she caught Nathan's finger between her sharp teeth.

       "Ow!" Nathan chuckled in delight. It didn't hurt his calloused finger that much, but he thought it was very cute.

       Nathan set her down on the ground and knelt in front of her with his finger moving about in front of her.

       Nathan set her down on the ground and knelt in front of her with his finger moving about in front of her

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