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Unedited Chapter Four [1]

       They were kissing in the boys' bathroom: the girl he left behind long ago, and the boy she still wanted after such a long time.

       He'd do anything to get the taste of her out of his mouth.

       She felt exhilarated.

       "Kat," he mumbled against her lips, his hands trying to gently push her away from him. All he wanted to do was pee and get back to Seth, not be violated by an ex-friend who was now in one of those 'totally bitchy' cliques in his school.

       "Kat," he said a little more firmly. She nipped his lip, causing him to flinch, and moved away from him. The natural pink tint of her cheeks in the dull, green-ish light of the bathroom looked brighter than the fake blush she put on her face.

       "Why did you kiss me?" He asked bluntly.

       She looked at him in disbelief, as if her lip locking technique did not make him fall for her right away. "We were eleven years old when we first kissed, Nate, did you forget? I like you." She pressed her lips together, looking rather annoyed at him.

       "Sorry, um, I just..." Nathan was lost for words. His first kiss (well, technically second) was just stolen from him. How was he going to explain this to Seth, who must be wondering about his whereabouts right now. He'd probably laugh and pat him on the back, but Nathan felt... disgusted.

       "Never kissed a girl before?" Kat asked, seductively licking her lips and taking a step forward. Nathan responded by taking three steps back.

       "No. I was going to say that I don't have feelings for you, and that kiss was totally uncalled for."

       Nathan always made himself out to be the most blunt person out there, even if it made him come off as a complete jackass.

       "What we did five years ago, that kiss, was childish. We were eleven, and we were playing house with your sister. You kissed me on the cheek, and so did I, just to please her. It meant nothing, Katherine," he continued.

       He could see the hurt flash in her chocolate brown eyes, but it had to be done.

       She leaned against the sink, her eyes to the floor. It was quiet. It was so quiet. Nathan took it as a chance to leave, because it was so awkward, and he didn't like awkward situations.

       Once again, the music, laughter and talking were at high volume, and his eyes scanned the room, coming across his drinking friend, bobbing his head to the band on stage, and then towards the girl sitting by herself at the bar, pulling at her shirt skirt.
       Instead of going to his table, he let his feet take him to the bar, stopping only a few inches away from her.

       "Um, a beer for my friend over there," Nathan told the bartender, pointing towards Seth. He looked at Nathan weirdly, but when he saw Seth nod, he turned around to get him one.

       "What are you doing here?" he turned and asked Bree. He caught her by surprise, because she almost dropped her nowhere empty bottle. He continued to question her, as if he had the right to. "Why are you here with him? And you're too young to be drinking."

       He took the bottle from her hand and semi-slammed it down on the bar, making her flinch.

       "He's my boyfriend," she says quietly. Not at all the loud, bold Bree Pasko at school. "What about you?" Now she's trying to fake it.

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