Miss Bipolar

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even in the quietest of moments i can hear your breathing, and i started believing that you, yes, little you, could never be mine.

       Nathan sat on the log for far too long, only to realize how numb his butt was. He sat on the uncomfortable log, nevertheless, and watched as Kat swam back and forth leisurely. It would have looked a bit brighter if the sun wasn't hidden behind the gray clouds again. Instead, the water looked dark, and Kat looked pale and bare. He heard her bragging about her waterproof makeup, but still—the dim light and dark water made everything appear too... melancholic.

       Silent footsteps approached him from behind, and soon enough, Neil was sitting beside him as Bree walked past with a solemn face. She took a seat on a large rock near the water's edge and began a conversation with Kat, whom had stopped swimming to listen to her friend.

       Neil wasn't look happy either, and Nathan felt happy about that. He didn't deserve the happiness of a very wonky two years of tears and frowns. He still couldn't get over what Kat had said about him; he felt protective of Bree, now.

       "Are you and Kat a thing?" Neil asked abruptly. He turned his head sharply towards Nathan, his eyebrows knitted and his mouth turned into a very transparent frown.

       "Kat and I aren't anything," Nathan answered plainly. His eyes were following her movements as she walked in circles on the sand as she spoke to Kat. Her black hair made her skin look so white, and the fact that the sun wasn't around to brighten things up didn't help.

        "You should be. You seem more compatible with her than Bree."

        Nathan was left utterly shocked at his statement.

       "How would you know that?" he asked defensively.

       Neil's jaw clenched, and Nathan knew he was surely going to be brutally beat up; after all, the guy in front of his was the off-spring of the incredible Hulk and he was just... a twig. Even Seth, who was a pretty well-built guy, probably couldn't take a punch to the arm from Neil.

       His dark green eyes were hidden under thick, dark eyebrows. His hair line was pushing back a little, but God, was he making up for it witch his cheekbones. No matter how much Nathan wanted to deny it, Neil was way buffer than he was, and way more attractive.

       He was a stupid, and attractive King Kong.

       "Neil!" Kat called.

       "What?" His booming voice caught Nathan off-guard, causing him to flinch. Neil laughed and got up. Kat was slowly jogging over to them, her hair whipping side to side.

       "Help me collect firewood. It's getting pretty cold," she said, breathless.

       "Well, it would be warmer if you put some clothes on," he laughed.

       Maybe it wasn't meant to sound so bad. Maybe they were really good friends that always joked around with each other like that, but Nathan couldn't help but feel the need to shove his face into the sand after the noticing the uncomfortable look on Kat's face for a moment.

       It was just a millisecond before she began laughing and pushed his arm playfully.

       "Nate, you can go get a few blankets from the car," she turned to Nathan.

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