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Unedited Chapter Three [2]

       He left her standing there, her eyes gazing down at her high heels, the ones that made her trip unto him in the first place. Nathan's jaw stiffened upon sitting with Seth; he felt even more nervous now.

       "Hey!" Seth greeted him with a gigantic grin.

       Nathan replied with a smile. A tired one.
       Out of his bag, he got his thin and dirty looking notebook and pushed it over at Seth.

       "It's only a few lines. Not sure if it's a verse or a chorus," he said. He watched as Seth flipped through the thin pages until he came upon the page entitled "Truth". Seth smiled as he read the words; the words that Nathan wrote.

       "It's much better than the other one, for sure. Continue." Seth passed the book over to him.

       As Nathan was about to give Seth a reply, he heard that loud, high pitched laugh; the same laugh that came from Bree Pasko's mouth earlier today with her friends. Not the shy Bree Pasko—the annoying one.
      He glanced over his shoulder and saw her, with the guy that was her King Kong boyfriend. Both of them had beer bottles clutched in their hands; she was about his age (he wasn't sure about him). She's not allowed to drink. It's not legal.

       However, Bree Pasko stood in her short (probably the shortest) skirt and her tight shirt, outlining her body very closely; her hair let down over her shoulders and her high heels giving her some height to reach up to her boyfriend: even dressed like that, she couldn't really hide the innocence in her face.

       Maybe she just liked to apologize a lot.

       Yeah, that must be it.

       "Someone you know?" Seth asked, leaning in.

       "Um, no," Nathan answered. He turned to face Seth again, who was carefully studying him with his blue eyes. "Just... someone."

       Seth wrinkled his nose and forehead, giving Nathan an 'I-really-don't-believe-that' look. His eyes went passed to the girl behind him, then back at Nathan.

       "She's cute, but the big brute latched unto her doesn't look so nice," he said.

       Nathan huffed and smiled smugly. "Not really my problem, now, is it?" He took out his pen and began to write more words. Words that didn't make any sense. Words that weren't even words; his mind was filled with Bree Pasko.

       Indeed, Seth's words were true; Nathan glanced over his shoulder once more, and he saw an intimidating guy with his muscular arms strapped around a fragile girl's waist. They were laughing, but Nathan forced the sound out of his mind: he put them on mute, just so he could examine them properly.
       To be honest, he thought they didn't look right together. He looked like he could take a punch in the gut without flinching. She looked like she could break if you uttered a single, hurtful word. Nathan didn't believe in the whole 'opposites attract' theory in human relationships. He'd never been in love with someone before, but he knew that what he was seeing with his own two eyes wasn't love, or at least the good kind.

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