Chapter 14.

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Baekhyun's pov

Tonight is the night that I'm meeting Jinhye's parents, we have already arrive in front of the house and I am really nervous.
The only thing that is in my head right now is to show a good impression to her family, oh come on who won't be nervous when you are meeting a beautiful girl's parents who are filthy rich and have the only child dating an orphan? Yes I may be rich too but not having any family members by my side can also be my disadvantage.

"Babe what if your parents doesn't like me?" I'm really nervous right now and I kept holding Jinhye's hand really tightly "hey I'm sure they already like you, they were so excited to see you. So don't worry okay!" she gave me a kiss in the cheeks to cheer me up before pulling me to her door entrance. And I swear my girlfriend's house is a mansion, mine can't beat her. Well since it's no use since I only live alone....

As we enter the mansion her parents was already there standing and smiling before "mom, dad!!! This is Baekhyun!" she say excitedly "good evening Mr and Mrs Song" as I bow to show respect to them "don't need to be so formal to us Baekhyun, come on dinner is ready, Jinhye's mom made it just for the two of you"

'Her parents is really nice and kind, I'm so happy.'

"Thank you for inviting for dinner Mr and Mrs Song" I ate the food deliciously "no worries we have heard alot about you from Jinhye and you seem to be a nice boy" Mrs song said
"We trust you that you can take good care of her right?" ask Mr song
"Yes definitely you can trust me" they both nod and Jinhye was smiling and I'm happy. "By the way mom and dad, Baekhyun here is an orphan his parents kind of was gone since his young and he has been leaving alone"
Jinhye told her parents as Jinhye's mom gave an apologic look before saying "I'm sorry for your lost Baekhyun, if you need anything you can always come to us alright"

I had a wonderful night with the Songs and her parents were very lovely, they accepted me in who I am and approved my relationship with Jinhye, I couldn't be more happier.
After saying goodbye and thank you to Mr and Mrs Song they allowed her to stay in my house whenever she likes so she wanted to come home with me. "Baby your parents is so nice!" as I kiss her hand and interlaced our fingers together. "I told you they already like you, you were just too nervous and you look funny" as she laugh about my expression just now. "If you keep laughing at me, I will have to kiss you" I smirk at her before she stops laughing and gave me a glare and looked out of the window. I'm seriously in love with her.

My house is actually a condominium and it's located on the rooftop of the building and it is surrounded with glass so you can see the scenery throughout the living room, it also have a indoor pool. I have stayed here throughout my teenage life and until I'm 20 now and I am going to share this house with Jinhye. "WAHHH!!!" Jinhye scream before running to the glass to see the view, I giggled before approaching her and slide my hands around her giving her a back hug. "You like it baby?" as she nods saying "I love it here!" she looks like a little girl like this, so cute! "You can cone whenever you want, you can stay here if your parents allow" I kiss her cheek before realeasing her to get wash up for bed "really! You mean it?" she ask as she turn to look at me "yeah why not, i will tell you the password of my door" as i pass her clothes for her to wear to sleep. Its one of my old clothes that have gone smaller, luckily i still have it but it is still kind of big on her.

I got change earlier and was already on my bed and thinking today will be the first time Jinhye is sleeping iver my house. Jinhye already got of the washroom and she look incredibly adorable with that huge shirt covering almost half of her body and those old trousers. "Do I look okay?" she ask with a pout as she approach to sit beside me "you looks adorable baby, come here!" she got on the bed and I pulled her closer to me lying down. "Baby thank you for being with me since I know Taehyung has feelings for you too and I know he approach you at your locker this morning right?" she look shock before "I was going to tell you but I was just scared, and I didn't mean to" she replied looking at me "hey don't worry I'm not angry with you alright but next time you have to tell me whatever happens okay? Don't ever keep it to yourself even if it it was a small matter" I rub her hands reassuring her "I promise and even though Taehyung likes me but my heart chose you and i only love you" she replied to me before I gave her a goodnight kiss and pulled her closer to me and got myself into dreamland. As I know I got her in my arms.

Chapter 14 is up! Please read more! Thank you! -xoxocryz.

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