Chapter 9.

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Baekhyun's pov

When I got home I couldn't help but feel excited that Jinhye agreed to have a date with me okay it's not a date, it is just a hang out within friends. But I still can't help but smile and I am really looking forward till that day.

I have been really lonely all this years, I have no family members waiting for me at home, friends I do have but they are not with me 24 hours right? And I hope Jinhye will be able to feel up this loneliness in me.

Today is Sunday and I will have to meet coach and the basketball team players later in the afternoon, we have another practice later and are going to decide who will be presentating the team for our school during the competition. Obviously me and my friends, the 5 of us already have permanent slots in the team which makes us playing for the competition and do you want to know who is my vice-captain? It is Park Chanyeol, he have the height and the athlete body and he is one of the most normal ones within the other 4. I think so or I hope so.

I was with the others now and it's time for basketball practice and we will recommend names to coach before he decides who will be playing and who is not. I have got a feeling that Taehyung will be in the game I don't have a good feeling of that guy since he first came here but I don't mix personal things into the team. I don't want to admit it but he is a very fast learner and very precise with shooting and he will be a great help to us.

"Hey do you think that Jimin should be in the game?" I was with Chanyeol right now and we are writing down the names of whoever we think that should be able to gain the points in the competition. "neh I'm not sure about him, he needs a lot of time to improve" I replied and Chanyeol nods before cancelling his name.
"how about that Taehyung guy?" giving me his smirk, I glared at him before I nod signalling him that he should be in the team. After selecting we gave the names to coach before he announce the lucky ones but coach stop me and said "Baekhyun I need you to train for awhile with Taehyung, please take good care of him" and everyone left leaving me with that Kim Taehyung all alone.

"You know i respect you as my captain but i know you like Jinhye too." he wasn't looking at me and was just playing with the ball shooting through the hoop. I tried to stay as calm as I can because I do not want this to be a fight, just not right now.
"Yeah since you know about it, I guess I don't need to hide anymore right?" I smirked but I heard him sigh "I like her too" but I stop him saying "let's get to work and about Jinhye we will settle it later" before the both us got with more training. We were done and was at our lockers taking our things out but before I left Taehyung said something "I won't give on her for you so so easily Byun Baekhyun" and he left.

'Alright i won't give up on her as well, just wait and see Kim Taehyung!'

Jinhye's pov

My feelings for Baekhyun is starting to build up, yes my crush for him may have gotten stronger since he started being so nice and caring to me. Please don't tell him that!

I was in school with Hanuel but she was taken away by Jimin, I swear those 2 are very suspicious now that I think of it. Right now I have physical education class and guess what today we will be learning basketball and I am totally not good at it!

We were just learning by ourselves  and did I mention that I was wearing a really short shorts and it is really uncomfortable to jump around with guys all over. Suddenly someone gave me a jacket when I look over Baekhyun was holding a jacket "wrap it around your waist, people will keep staring at your legs like they are some kind of meat and i really don't like it. Stop wearing things like this again" and he sighs. But i was really speechless and surprised to even do anything, "do i need to wrap it for you?" he asked as he move forward Aand i move back before snatching the jacket and tying it on my waist before thanking him and he smiled.

"I can teach you how to play if you want to" baekhyun said can i trust this guy? "oh yarh how i can forget that you are the captain of the basketball team of course you are an expert, you sure you won't push or purposely teach me the wrong teachnique right?" as i glared at him getting curious of what he is thinking. Baekhyun started laughing before he took a ball and asked me stand beside him and he asked me to hold the ball, "this is how you hold the ball Jinhye-ah and I won't dare to hurt you again" as he came to stand behind me and put his arms around me before showing me the proper way to hold the ball and shoot. My face is getting really red from this posture and he is way too close and he might have sense me blushing right? "Baekhyun-ah don't you think we are too close? Everyone is looking at us!" I said trying to release myself from his grip around me, "let them be i just wanted to talk too you for awhile, i'm sorry for all those years that i made you suffer with all those bullying and pranks. Thank you Jinhye for at least becoming my friend but i don't want to be just friends, i want us to be more than that. Think about it alright?" and he let me go before walking off to his clique. Did he just confess to me?

'He likes me and wants us to be together?'

I'm done with chapter 9! Hope you guys like it. Sorry if there are any mistakes! Thank you! -xoxocryz

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