Chapter 7.

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Jinhye's pov

Everyone was either at home or hanging out at the mall but I'm still in school trying to finish up my unfinish project that I had to pass up tomorrow. Hanuel already went home as she have visitors coming to her house and she couldn't stay with me. I'm not sure about Taehyung and his friends but i don't see them around so I think they left...

I was all alone in the classroom but I still can hear some students walking back and forth at the corridor, I was too concentrating on doing my work that I don't realise that someone was actually standing right in front of me. Without saying anything that person place a bottle of juice on my table before settling down on the chair in front of me. When I look up to see who it was I was completely shock, because it was someone I never would have imagine he would be here. Yes it is no other than the bad boy Byun Baekhyun whom just bought me juice and is sitting right in front of me looking at me.

"What are you doing here Baekhyun?" I asked him with wide eyes "I'm here to accompany you because you might be lonely?" he replied which made my heart pounds really fast.

'Why am I so nervous in front of him?'

"Isn't it weird the bad boy of the school and the captain of the basketball team accompanying me to finish my project?" I eyed him slowly waiting for his answer "whats wrong with accompanying someone I like?" he asked back. 'Did he just say someone he likes? He likes me?' "What did you just say?" I was really nervous "don't you have to finish your project miss Kim Jinhye?" Oh right I almost forgot about the project.
"Thanks for reminding me, if not I won't be finishing this on time" I smiled at him "no problem, just keep doing your work I will be here if you need me" as I look at him moving his chair to sit beside me then taking out his phone to use it.

'I was really thankful that Baekhyun is here with me and I'm not alone.'

Baekhyun's pov

I'm not sure why I'm accompanying Jinhye right now, I just saw her sitting all alone in the class finishing her project and I just decided to stay there with her until she finish. I even bought her a juice just in case she will be thirsty. I even almost confessed to her that the one I like is her, to tell you the truth I do like her after realizing that through jealousy of her and Taehyung always together. But I'm not sure if I'm just having a short term feeling for her or am I really in love with her so before I made my confession to her, I need to sort my feelings thoroughly. 'I must be out of mind right now and if those 4 idiots knew about this I am going to be a teasing bag tomorrow and they will just won't shut their mouth up. I'm lucky that they already left to watch a basketball competition down the street.'

Jinhye was really concentrating on her work and she is doing it slowly to make sure that it won't have any mistake, and i like it slow. The only thing i did was to stare at her and the sun that is shining through the classroom just makes it even more beautiful, without thinking i use my phone to take a picture and what a beauty i have right here beside me.

Jinhye was already done with her project and it's time to go back home and it's getting really late and as a gentleman I offered her a ride home. I opened the door for her before going to the driver seat to send her back home, I think today is my lucky day.
"Thanks for the being with me today Baekhyun and for this ride home too" she showed her smile that can literally melt any guys heart and this is the first time i see her smile to me usually the only expression she gave was her mad face, and it was all because i kept bullying her this past years.

'I really regret what for i did last time i was really a jerk and person who was immature and childish who only thinks about himself, i'm sorry for hurting you Jinhye-ah'

"I'm a guy i should be doing this, you as a girl shouldn't be alone all the time okay" as i replied her before looking back at the road. But the next question she asked me got me speechless as i do not know how to answer her, "Why are you being nice and caring all of sudden?" i kept being silent and i knew she was looking at me all the time waiting for my answer and a few minutes later we already reached her house. But before she could get out of the car i grab her hand and she turn back to look at me and i replied "it's because i never knew how to care about someone i love before and since i found that love i want to care about her too." from her expression that she gave me i knew she was shock at my answer and without saying anything else she just nod her head before releasing herself from my grip and walk our of my car. But she just stood there staring back at me before gesturing me to go and when I was going off she smiled and mouth to me saying "me too". With that I knew I had her heart too but not the trust and if I want her I need to build both up.

'Thank you Jinhye-ah!'

That is the end of Chapter 7, how was it? Now both Jinhye and Baekhyun know about each others feelings from the clues theybgave each other but doesn't have the courage to take it to another level. Hope you like it! Thank you! -xoxocryz.

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