32. Round 3

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We started off with four teams and now we were down to two. I never thought that I would be in the final round of Baked competing against Luke.

"Bakers for the final round you have free choice on what you would like to make for the judges. I would like to just tell you though making a simple pastry, cake, or anything else will hurt your chances of winning Baked. Now to make this round even more rigorous, your baking time has been shortened to thirty minutes. Your time starts now!" Alice shouts.

Everyone them scrambles to their work stations to begin baking.

"Thirty minutes? Seriously!" Jen says flustered.

"It's okay, now come on we need to think of something to make." I urge.

"Um...I've got it! Let's make a Sourdough Danish pastry."

"Perfect! Let's get started, we now only have twenty five minutes." I say while getting the ingredients.

I would go into depth on how Jen and I made our pastry. But I only have twenty five minutes left on the clock, so sorry!

Twenty five minutes went by fast.

"Bakers! Hands up your time is finished, please come forward to present your plates." Alice says in a demanding tone of voice.

Luke, Emily, Jen and me line up side by side next to each other.

"Marie, you may go first. Please present what you have made for the judges." Says Alice.

Looking up at Tate, Seth, and Nancy I begin my short little presentation. "Today I have made for you a Sourdough Danish pastry, on top of the pastry there some berries added for garnish."

The judges nod and now it's time for Luke to explain what he made. I'm really curious myself on what he made.

"Today I have made for you." Luke pauses. "A dark chocolate cream horn, I hope you enjoy."

"Alright bakers, please head to the waiting room so that the judges can make their final decision." Alice speaks up.

Everyone bows before they leave to go to the waiting room.

Once we all go back to the waiting room, the room is silent. No one says anything. You can feel all the anxiety and nervousness in the room.

It had to be about twenty minutes before the stage manager came into the waiting room to tell us that the judges have made their final decision. The first people to walk out of the room are Emily and Jen.

"Luke wait." I say to Luke before he steps out of the room.

Luke stops and turns. "What?"

I take a deep breath, to calm my nerves. "I just wanted to say that I will be happy for you if you win."

"Um thanks." Luke shrugs off what I said and walks out of the room.

So much for trying be a good sport. I then walk out into the hallway where Jen is waiting for me.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm fine."

We then walk back to the set where all the judges are waiting.

"Bakers, this round has been a crucial one. We started off with four teams and now we are down to two. There can only be one winner on Baked. The judges have made their final decision. The winner we who will be the next host of Baked is..." Alice pauses for dramatic effect. "Luke and Emily congratulations! You two are the new hosts of Baked!"

Luke and Emily jump around crazy while Jen and I just stand there with broken hearts.

"Marie, Jen thank you for your participation in this competition." Alice says to Jen and me.

"Thank you for having us." Jen speaks up.

I don't say anything at all. I'm too disappointed to do anything. I then follow Jen off the set, so we can just go home and forget about this competition.

"I thought we really had it in the bag." Says Jen starting the car up.

"Me too Jen, me too."

The car becomes silent again before Jen speaks up.

"There is one good thing that came out of this competition."

What is she talking about? We just lost a competition! "What do you mean?"

"Luke is going to be too busy hosting a show to be running his bakery. So most likely he is going to close up shop." Jen explains.

I never really thought about that until now. "Well at least we will be getting back some lost customers." A smile creeps up on the corners of my mouth.

"I knew that would make you smile." Jen herself smiles too.

I know that Jen and I didn't win Baked but that doesn't matter anymore. I don't need to be some famous host of a baking show. Sure it makes good money and you get fame.
But I'm not ready to lose a part of myself to a baking show. And you want to that part is? It's being a baker. I love being in the kitchen baking and coming up with new ideas on a cake. I'm not ready to just give that all up to watch other people bake. Being on Baked has made me realize how much more I love being a baker and I'm proud to say that.


Jen was right about Luke being too busy to run his bakery. A month later after winning Baked he had taken down his bakery sign and brought a U-haul truck with him to pack up his bakery. If you're wondering if he ever came by to say anything to me, the answer is no.
He didn't even have the decency to say goodbye.

To this day I honestly believe that Luke never actually had feelings for me. He just wanted to find a way to make me break down and close my bakery. Well all I have to say is that his plan failed.

Now as for my love life at the moment, Seth and I are in a happy relationship. After Alice finally retired from Baked, Seth decided that he too was done being on the show, even though he only had been on the show for three years. So he told the producers that he quit and the next day he came by my bakery to tell me some good news. Want to know what the good news is?

Seth had bought Jen and me a bakery in Florence, Italy! Next week all three us are going to Italy so that Seth can show us the bakery. I'm so excited!

As I step into a new chapter of my life, I can't wait to see what the future has in stock for me.

The End

Hey guys!

I can't believe that 'World War Cake' is finally completed! It seems as if only yesterday I began writing it. I wanted to give a big thank you for all the love and support on this book, I really appreciate it :)

Stay awesome,

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