23. That's Your Car?!

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It's ten minutes to seven and Seth should be coming soon to pick me up for our dinner date. It's kind of weird to say dinner date. I guess it's because I haven't been on a date in a while.

"Now where are those black heels..." I say trailing off. I could have sworn that they were in my room. Lets check under the couch.

Rushing over to the tan couch that stood in the living room. I crouch down to see if my shoes were hiding under there.

"Marie, what are you doing?" I hear Jen walking up to me.

"I'm looking for those black heels of mine. Have you seen them anywhere?" I say lifting up my head from the couch.

Jen snorts, "Sorry, I meant to ask you if I could wear them, but here." She replies taking off my heels.

Standing up from the floor, I grab them and slip on the heels. I then pull my phone out of my silver clutch to see what time it is.

"Crap, Seth is going to be here any minute. How do I look?" I ask frantically.


"I'm so nervous. What if he stands me up!" I say out loud.

"He isn't. He would be a fool to stand you up." Jen answers trying to comfort me.

*dig dong* The doorbell rings. It had to be Seth.

"Let me get the door. Try to calm down in the meantime." Jen says walking towards the door.

When she leaves, I do some breathing exercises to calm myself down. This always helped me back in high school when I would have to do presentations in front of the class.

Hearing footsteps coming into the living room, I straighten my dress and fix my hair one last time.

"And here is your date for tonight." Jen says leading Seth into the living room.

I turn around and see Seth all dressed up in a black suit with the sleeves rolled up. Just looking at him gave me goosebumps.

"Marie, you look gorgeous." Seth says staring at me in awe.

I blush at his compliment and smile.

"So do you. Wait- no I mean handsome. You look handsome." I say trying to form a coherent sentence.

He smirks before saying anything.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep." I smile.

Seth puts his arm around me and leads me out the door.

"Have fun you two lovebirds." Jen calls out.

"Jen!" I yell back in embarrassment.
"So what restaurant are we going to?"I ask Seth as we step out of the apartment building.

It's a beautiful summer night and the stars were just barely showing in the night sky.

"That is a surprise." He replies looking into my eyes.

"Please tell me, I hate surprises." I plead looking back at him.

"Sorry, you're just going to have to find out." Seth grins in amusement.

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