11. Smushed Cupcakes

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All day I still couldn't stop thinking about what Jen had said. I mean do I really like him? No! Marie get yourself together. You can't fall for Luke! He has a girlfriend! All these kinds of thoughts kept going on in my head.


I was sitting at my office desk planning for next week. After about an hour I decided to take a break and go on the computer. When I got on my computer , curiosity struck me and I decided to look up Luke on FaceBook. Yes I know call me old. I still use Facebook.

Once I was on Facebook I proceeded to search up Luke. After scrolling for a about a minute, I found Luke's profile. Then nosy me, began looking at his photos and everything.

            -five minutes later-

I learned quite a few things from Luke. He owned a bakery in New York but he had moved it out to California. One thing that caught my eye was that, that blonde woman kept appearing in dozens of photos of his. I was really curious at this moment. Could it be that they have been dating for a long time. We're they engaged? All these questions kept circling my head. I finally gave up on all the questions and decided to head to bed.

2:30 am

Splat! I wake up spooked. What was that? It sounded like something was hit against the window. I get out of bed and sure enough there was a cupcake smushed against the window. I was livid.

"Jen!" I yell.

Jen runs in quick as a roadrunner.

"Marie! What's going on?" Jen asks frantic.

"Someone threw a cupcake at my bedroom window!" I screech.

Just as I said that another went flying in through an open window and hit me right smack dab in the face.
Jen chuckled to herself. I was pissed.
I then ran past Jen and flew down  the stairs to the bakery. Jen following at my feet. Once I got downstairs, I tried looking at out the window but I couldn't see anything. I quickly decided to head outside.

There I saw a figure. When I got closer I saw that it was the blonde woman from Luke's bakery!

"What the hell are you doing!?" I shout at her.

The lady jumped in terror and took off running down the street.I then started after her. I tried running as fast I could but I couldn't keep up. I lost her.

After giving up the chase I headed back to my bakery in exhaustion.

When I stepped inside Jen ran to me.

"What happened?" She asks fast.

"Turns out the person who was throwing those cupcakes was that blonde lady I told you about." I say in pure disgust.

"You mean the one from Luke's bakery?" Jen asks.

"Yeah. I bet Luke put her up to this." I answer, my blood boiling.

"This calls for revenge if he did." Jen replies.

After calming ourselves down, Jen and I decided that we would just try to go back to bed and deal with the mess on the windows later.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. As always please comment, vote, and recommend. I would really appreciate it. More chapters coming soon!

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