14. Story Time!

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It was 9:00 the  next morning, a half hour until we would open our bakery. Jen and I were anxiously sitting at one of Bake City's tables near the window.

"What's taking him so long? He should be at his bakery by now." Jen says.

"I know right?" I reply.

I couldn't wait to see his reaction, when he would see all the that frosting covering his bakery.

"I just realized something." I say to Jen.

"What?" She asks curious.

"The frosting we put on Luke's bakery is hardened on to everything. I know this because last night it was on the cool side." I explain.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that." Jen laughs . I start laughing along too knowing how much of a struggle Luke was going to have, trying to get the frosting off of his bakery.

"Marie, I see Luke!" Jen says.

"Now I see him." I reply. Luke was walking up the street to his bakery, with a coffee in his hand and a phone in another.

"Ooh he's getting closer." Jen says.

My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Come on just a little more closer." I say.

Luke was now in the front of his bakery and he didn't notice anything yet, since he was preoccupied on his phone.
After about two minutes he finally looked up.

"He looked up!" Jen squeals.

"Oh my gosh, he's so pissed, he threw his coffee down on to floor!" I say with amusement.

"Marie you have a death wish, when Luke will come to realize that you were the one who frosted his bakery."

"Actually you have a death wish too, since you were an accomplice to this prank." I say back to her.

Before I could see anything else, Luke was storming across the street to Bake City.

"Jen! Luke's coming!" I say a bit panicked. I wasn't really ready to face him yet, so I was kind of nervous of what was going to go down."

There was a knock at the door and I already knew that it was Luke.

"What do we do!?" I panic to Jen.

"Pretend we're not home?" Jen suggests.

Before we could do anything else, I hear something.

"I know you're inside, I can see you through the window. Now open up!" Luke says with pure anger.

Too afraid of what was going to happen next if I didn't open the door. I let Luke inside.

"I know what you guys  did." Luke says as he walked in to the bakery.

"Did what?" Jen asks playing stupid.

"You frosted my whole damn bakery!" Luke answers angry. "One thing I would like to know is why you did it."

"Oh I'm pretty sure you know why." I counter.

"What do you mean?" Luke asks not understanding.

"That blonde bimbo girlfriend of yours threw cupcakes at our bakery two days ago." I argue.

"My what?" Luke asks confused.

"That blonde chick who works at your bakery." Jen explains.

"Haha yo-ou thou-ght th-at was my girlfriend?" Luke laughs.

"Yeah, I mean isn't she?" I ask confused.

"Actually that "blonde bimbo" is my older sister Emily. She's actually just visiting me for two weeks." Luke explains.

"Oh well this awkward. Marie I'm just gonna go now so bye!" Jen says quickly as she runs out the door.

"Now I feel stupid." I say.

"Wait a minute, you said something about her throwing cupcakes?" Luke asks.

"Yeah like two nights ago! And I'm pretty sure who told her to do so." I say rudely.

"I didn't even know she did that." Luke answers.

"How do I know that your not lying?" I ask.

"Just take a seat and I will explain everything." Luke says as he grabs a chair from a table and sits down. I also went over and sits down.

"Alright now I'm going to tell you what happened two days ago." Luke tells me.

"It was around after closing time and I was cleaning out the display case, looking to see what pastries were still good to sell. After I cleaned out all the pastries that weren't fresh anymore, I got a call from the auto body shop telling me that my car was ready to be picked. I had brought my car in earlier for an oil change. Anyways I needed to pick my car and I didn't have time to throw out all the expired cupcakes, so I asked Emily to dispose of them and to lock up my bakery for the night, so I could go pick up my car."

After Luke finished his story, I wasn't sure if I could believe him, but I did.

"Now I feel really bad about this whole thing." I say guilty.

"It's my fault too, when we first met I told my sister some nasty stuff about you when we were beginning to argue. I should have just kept my mouth shut." Luke confesses.

"Well then." I fake being hurt.

"I know I'm a douchebag." Luke says guilty.

"Listen I'm really sorry about all that frosting on your bakery. After the whole cupcake incident, I thought for sure that you planned doing that." I apologize to him.

"It's fine. I'm not mad anymore. And I just want to clarify I really had no clue she did that." Luke explains.

Seeing Luke be so apologetic really made me see a side of him I haven't seen before. He was actually a sweet, honest guy when you got to know him.
I think I actually might have little crush on him.

"I'm glad that we got this all straightened out." I say looking into Luke's ocean blue eyes.

"Me too" he smiles. He moved closer to me and leaned.

This was it I thought, the moment that I pictured where I would kiss Luke.

I leaned in and our lips met. His lips were soft and I could feel almost a spark between us. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before Luke pulled back.

"I gotta go." He says awkwardly. "You know to clean up the frosting." He then got up and headed out the door of Bake City to his bakery.

I couldn't believe that Luke actually kissed me! What could this mean?

*************************************Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger. Anyways Do you guys think that Luke might have feelings for Marie too? Comment down below what you think. And as always recommend this book to your friends and family!
see you next time

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