29. Greetings

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I'm nervous yet excited. Today is the day in which Jen and I will be competing on Baked.

"Marie, are you ready to go?" Jen calls to me from her room.

"I'm almost ready, let me just get my phone." I call back.

Grabbing all the necessary things I need, I walk out into the living room to where Jen is sitting on the couch.

"Took you long enough." Jen jokes.

"Ha ha very funny. Now get your lazy butt off of the couch. We have to get to the studios of Baked in an hour."

Jen puts her hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright we'll get going."

Once getting in the car, I give Jen the directions to the studios.

"Okay, now you're going to turn right on to Maple Wood street." I say while reading the directions off of my phone.

She then turns right onto the street, I told her to turn on.

"Perfect, now-"

"-Marie, I know how to get to the studios. I have all the directions memorized." Jen laughs as she continues driving.

"You could have told me earlier."I mutter to myself, while putting my phone away into my jeans front pocket.

"I can't believe that we are going to be on a tv show!" Jen says still keeping her eyes on the road.

"Me too! Never in a million years, would I have thought that we would be on America's most watched Food Network show."

Jen and I continue our little conversation until she announces that we are at the studios.

"Oh my gosh, we're here!" I scream in excitement.

Jen pulls up to a gate where a security guard wearing a white uniform is standing. She preceded to roll down the car window before speaking to the man.

"Excuse me sir, is this gate where the contestants of Baked are supposed to go through?"

"Yes ma'am. What are your names?" The guard asks grabbing his clipboard from a fold up table.

"My name is Jen Johnston and this also my business partner Marie Altman." She says to the man.

The security guard looks at his clipboard to find our names."Ah, yes, I see your names. Please pull through this gate and head straight down to studio 10."

"Thank you sir." Jen says she rolls up the car window. She then drives all the way down to studio 10.

"This is so exciting." I say as Jen and I get out of the car. We had just found a reserved parking space with our names on it.

"I can't wait to see who the other contestants are." Says Jen.

"Me too."

We begin to walk into studio 10. Once getting into the AC filled building, we are stopped by a lady wearing a headset.

"Hello, I'm Laurie. I happen to be one of the producers of Baked. May I please get your names to check you in?" The woman asks.

"Oh sure. My name is Marie Altman and this is my business partner Jen Johnston." I say.

The lady quickly pulls out a list of names. It takes her about a minute to find our names.

"Okay, perfect, Marie, Jen please head down to the green room where all the other contestants are. Once everyone gets here, we will tell you all the procedures of the show." Laurie explains to Jen and me.

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