XI: The Man Behind Tobi

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Sakura: So, to be clear, how am I supposed to be sure if you're going to fullfill the deal? No offense, you're kinda evil.

Tobi: None taken.


Chapter 11: The Man Behind Tobi

The moment Sakura was finished reporting all the eloquent information Tobi needed, she later ended up in her room, which she fell down to the queensized bed like a giant rock. Knocked out and confused, she stared at the ceiling for a while. Thinking. Then she was lulled to sleep by the dancing flame of the candleberry.

Sasuke found her, glanced around, then carried her all the way home. He'd even use the swift technique Kakashi had taught him, as well as the transformation jutsu. It took every inch of his core to turn himself into the dobe. After it seem like an eternity, the boy had finally reached their house, and made his way into the window.

The Young Haruno had actually fallen asleep. Sasuke who has converted himself into Naruto placed the girl quietly into her bed, curled into a ball like a cocoon. He looked at the night stand on his side, observing the digital clock. It's passed ten. He didn't know if it'd make a difference, but his mind was blown with the thought of why couldn't time stop like this and let her be.

He sat at the edge of the bed, pulling the covers over her shoulder. She looked cold. Maybe if he would have been the tenderhearted Naruto he would have taken off his jacket and lent in to her. Instead he ran shoved the covers over her shoulders, as if this had been the virtous thing he's done within his life, perhaps the only way to make it up to her.

Looking onto the pinkette, he couldn't help but feel warm at the sight. She looked so... Beautiful? peaceful and serene? Why can't you be like this all the time? He thought. Quiet, I could tolerate you like this. Far from annoying. Then gently brushing a stray of cottoncandy lock of hair from her face, Sasuke's hand traveled to her neck, tracing to her shoulders which were covered underneathe. I could take advantage of you now... Maybe have you knocked up while you're still asleep... Revive my clan... Save me from this pointless deal... In just one night... The pinkette stirred lightly, and Sasuke could barely breathe. Seeing her like this; vulnerable and fragile... If only you knew... You were the only one who filled my lonely existance—and I can't let you in... One of these days you'll have to learn how to protect yourself from me, so I could prevent myself from doing the things I've been wanting to do to you... But some other time; when you're ready, I will come back for you... At the right time and at the right place. Removing his hand, he stood up and decided to leave.

"N-naruto?" Sakura sat up, but the door was already shut.

                                  ✿ ɬһe ɲҽxϮ ʊċңiђa ✿

                                 KISS ME OR KILL ME

The next day Sakura knew she wasn't off to a good start.

1. Karin played a dirty prank by having ehr bedroom all messed up

2. Tsunade and the others were getting suspicous but she couldn't utter a word.

3. Lastly, Sasuke didn't even help her with her stuffs. What a gentleman.

One of the reasons Sakura was eager for her work was because of Karin who always showed an atipathy for her. Part of her was starting to enjoy her company very briefly, as if competing for Sasuke's hand, in which the Raven would rather ignore because he already got used with their endless bickering. He'd even told the pinkette that if she was smart, she'd shut her mouth very quick. But Sakura wasn't the peacemaker type.

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