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"Zayn, kick it here!" Louis hollered, waving his hands wildly as he ran across the bright green field.

Zayn skillfully dodged Harry, who was trying to get in his way and to the football and swiftly passed the ball to Louis.

Louis grinned widely the moment his foot made contact with the ball and picked up his pace as he raced towards the net that was situated into the grass. Once he kicked and made a goal, he cheered loudly.


Zayn chuckled and jogged up to Louis to pat him on the back while Harry stopped to catch his breath.

Louis had invited Harry and Zayn over to his palace in Edinburgh to spend the day with him. Zayn decided it would be a good idea to go since Genevieve was out in Wellington, and he needed to get away from the depressing atmosphere in Genovia. The princes played a game of football just like the old times when they were in school together.

As the boys stopped to regain their breaths again, Zayn reached into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone. Seeing there were no notifications of any text messages from Genevieve, he began to feel a bit worried.

"Hey, what's up mate?" Louis asked on seeing Zayn's face tense up.

"Genevieve." he raised his phone. "I haven't heard from her and it's been two hours. I'm worried something bad will happen again."

"I'm sure she's fine." Harry patted him on the back.

"It's not like her for staying too long at Aria's. She hates her. In fact she fears her!"

While Zayn was in Edinburgh growing worrisome about his beloved wife, in Wellington Genevieve was gaining conscious after being brutally injected with an unknown substance by Aria.

Genevieve slowly opened her eyes wincing. Her vision was blurred and her muscles were sore. Her arms ached and when she went to move them, she couldn't.

The princess opened her eyes more widely and looked at her wrists in shock. She was chained to the dusty stone wall behind her and she also realized her ankles were constrained in chain cuffs too. She wiggled in an attempt to break free even though she knew there was no use. The clanking sounds of the chain only made her fear heighten.

Genevieve's breaths quickened and tears began to brim her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was alone. Saying she was terrified was an understatement.

"Somebody help!" she cried out in plea. "Please!"

Tears began to stream down the princess' face. Her sobs grew louder and her fight to break free increased. Her wrists began to burn from the friction of the metal digging into her soft skin. Her wailing came to a halt when she heard the door to the tower open.

As the door opened, Queen Aria appeared behind it as she walked in with a smug look on her face. Genevieve took in a sharp breath and looked at her with hate.

"Finally you woke up." Aria raised a brow. "Took you long enough."

"Why are you doing this Aria?" Genevieve sniffled. "Please let me go."

"Don't beg." Aria rolled her eyes. "By the way, your hubby seems pretty concerned about you." she evilly smirked as she waved the princess' phone in front of her.

Genevieve whimpered in reply. She really couldn't do anything. She felt defeated. She hung her head low and weeped silently. "A- are you gonna kill me Aria?" she asked softly raising her head.

"No." Aria crossed her arms. "I'm done trying to."

"Then why am I here?"

Aria walked closer to Genevieve and stopped in front of her with only a foot of space separating the two ladies.

"Genevieve, I've tried to get rid of you multiple times and I have failed every time. You're quite fucking lucky, if I must say. So I've decided there's only one way I can ruin you. Only way you can finally lose."

The princess was afraid to find out what it was that Aria thought would actually ruin her. She believed she had already been ruined numerous times before this encounter.

"It's fucking obvious Zayn is disgustingly head over heels in love with a peasant like you!" Aria seethed. "He worships you Genevieve and that sickens me."

Aria's words hurt Genevieve more than the metal cuffs that were burying into her skin. She gulped and prepared for what was to come.

"And of course you helplessly love him too. I mean, how could you not?" she dryly laughed. "So I finally knew how I could have Zayn be far away from you."

Genevieve looked at her expectantly as an unsettling feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach.

"Doyle!" Aria called out. "Come in."

Princess Genevieve looked at the door in fear as it slowly opened. From behind, a burly olive skin toned man stepped through. She took in a sharp breath and shuddered as only stealing a glance at him would be enough to terrify one.

The man wore a smug expression as a malicious smirk was pasted on his lips. He had tattoos etched onto his arms and neck and a thick stubble covered the bottom half of his face. Genevieve believed he was quite hideous to look at.

"Doyle, meet Princess Genevieve." Aria said bitterly.

"Hello gorgeous." he greeted, eyeing the princess shamelessly all over.

Genevieve looked at Doyle in disgust and huffed looking away.

"Genevieve," Aria stepped closer and lowered her voice. "I may not ever win Zayn's heart like you did. But I can make you fear of being touched by him."

The princess tried to understand what the queen meant by her words but before she could ask, Aria stepped away.

"She's all yours Doyle." she smiled at him. "Have fun."

Everything suddenly made sense to Genevieve. "Don't you fucking dare!" she spat. She squirmed hoping somehow the cuffs would miraculously burst open.

"Too late now princess." Doyle deeply chuckled as he stepped closer to her.

Genevieve pressed her back against the wall and helplessly watched Aria opening the door to leave her alone with Doyle.

"My, aren't you such a beauty?" he tucked a lock of her hair behind Genevieve's ear. He traced his fingertip past her jaw and then her quivering lip.

"Don't touch me." she seethed even though within she was highly terrified as to what was to come.

"Sorry darling." he chuckled. "Queen's orders."

Genevieve was fuming with anger to see Doyle treat her so disrespectfully. It wasn't because she was the princess of Genovia, it was because she was a woman and she wasn't supposed to be treated like a toy. Being in the helpless situation she was, the princess tried to fight him by spitting at him.

"Argh!" Doyle angrily wiped the saliva away from his cheek. "A feisty one, aren't you?" he smirked. "Well I like it rough too."

Doyle's hands travelled down Genevieve's chest and torso, and he made sure to massage his palms against her curves. He ended off by roughly grabbing onto her hips which made Genevieve let out a squeal.

"Stop this right now!" she tried to demand him as her breaths hitched. She felt disgusted being felt with his large hands.

"Shh!" he covered her mouth with his hand which caused her to let out a muffled scream. "This might hurt a little." he leaned in and whispered as a chuckle left his lips.

Genevieve frantically shook her head as she continued to whimper in plea to release her. Her weeps transformed into sobs as Doyle's other hand began to travel south and tuck underneath the hem of her dress.

Without any warning, Doyle cupped his hand at her opening above the material of her underwear and harshly added pressure to her sensitive spot with his two fingers.

The princess let out a blood curdling scream pain that echoed within the walls of the tower, calling for her husband as tears spilled out of her eyes. "Zayn!"

Y'all I'm about to cry for Genevieve :((

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- B1DL

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