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"I know Genevieve wouldn't prefer celebrating her birthday with a huge party and half the people she doesn't know very well. Also, I want to do something special since it's her first birthday since we've been together." Prince Zayn said as he strung an arrow in his bow to prepare to shoot.

"Do you have any plans on what you might want to do?" Prince Louis asked as he prepared to aim for his target which was set meters away.

"I was thinking of something small and private." Zayn pulled the string on his bow and then released it with a snap. The arrow pierced through the air and landed on the center of the target board. "Like a picnic."

"That's sounds nice. You two will get to spend some time together."

"I know right. Harry, what do you think?" Zayn asked as he looked towards Prince Harry, who stood still aiming his arrow in sheer concentration.

Harry shot his arrow and muttered some curse words to himself as his arrow landed far from the center of the board. "Fuck."

"Whoa, you okay there mate?" Louis asked.

"I'm fine." Harry grumbled. He looked up at his best friends who looked at him with concern. "Yeah, a picnic sounds nice Zayn."

"Harry, what's bothering you? You're so quiet and certainly not yourself. You never miss the target." Zayn pointed out.

Harry stayed mute for a few moments as he swam through his thoughts. He let out a heavy sigh and said, "This one girl."

"Oh." Louis' eyes widened and then a grin appeared on his lips. "Harry's found himself a lady friend."

Zayn softly chuckled as he exchanged glances between Louis and Harry.

"Louis stop." Harry irritably looked away.

"Hey, what's wrong? Tell us." Zayn stepped forward and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I've fallen in love with her but I don't think she has the same feelings for me." Harry bit lip as he looked down at his feet.

"How do you know for sure?" Louis asked.

"That night after the birthday party, I went over to her place. She looked really interested in me and one thing led to another. The next morning when I woke up, I told her and well... she just laughed in my face."


"Also, she's in love with someone else so she slept with me just for the fun of it! I don't fucking get how you do that!" Harry huffed.

"That's called cheating." Zayn replied.

"No, the guy she loves is with another girl. She's stuck on someone who clearly doesn't care about her! I do, but it doesn't even matter to her." Harry slumped his shoulders.

Since that morning and the revealing of Aria's true feelings and intentions, Harry had been on the down side. Part of him was angry at her for not moving on from whoever she loved and not seeing how he had feelings for her, but for the most part he felt heartbroken and confused with himself for what he got himself into and his own thoughts.

"Then prove to her how much you love her." Louis advised. "But I must say, you fell to quick on this one. Do you even know much about her to fall in love with her?"

"I know I sound crazy Louis. But it's more of a gut feeling, you know?"

"Or infatuation." Zayn suggested. "Harry, you're an amazing guy. Any girl that gets to be with you and have you fall in love with her, would be really lucky. But if this girl is too busy running after someone else, I'd advise you to leave her. She's not worth your time or affection."

"Also, the clingy types are the worst." Louis added.

"So I guess I should leave her then?" Harry sighed.

"I promise you'll find someone ever better than her." Zayn smiled. "Someone who will value your feelings and the love that you will give her."

Sorry for such a short chapter but at least I updated :)) I hate how I'm neglecting this story but from now on I will try my utter best to give it more attention. Also I've decided Royal Pain will be 21 chapters long :) Yay bc it'll end up being longer than TPATP!

Sooooo Harry is having girl problems and Zayn doesn't know its Aria.... 0-0

Next chapter will be filled with Zenevieve action... get where I'm going with this? ;)

Thanks for still sticking around and please do share TPATP and RP with others!


- B1DL

Royal Pain || z.m. [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now