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Aria stepped out of her room as her gaze was stuck on the small screen of her phone. Her heels clicked against the marble floor causing the sound to echo throughout the empty long hallway. As she scrolled through the electronic pages on the phone, her attention was caught by the person she felt was walking towards her direction. Her eyes lifted up from the screen to find her step-brother walking towards her.

"What's with the stupid smile?" she asked.

"Nothing." Liam shrugged with the smile still present on his mouth.

"How was the stupid party? Enjoy getting some attention for yourself too?" she cocked a brow and crossed her arms.

Liam scoffed rolling his eyes. He unbuttoned the top button of his white collared shirt with one hand to partly free himself. "Princess Genevieve's birthday ball was great. The food was good and meeting many of the people who were also there was nice. And you don't have to be such a bitch Aria. It doesn't falter me one bit. In fact, I find it amusing how you act so childish."

"I'm not childish!" Aria retorted stiffening up.

"Right." he raised an eyebrow. "Just because I'm your step-brother and I'm not a Dereaux, isn't such big deal to me like you make it seem to be. Sure my name isn't out there flashing like yours is, but that doesn't matter to me one bit. I don't crave attention like you do Aria. Besides, you're the princess of Wellington. Everyone wants to know what the bitch of this kingdom is always up to. Like what did she throw a prissy fit about today?"

"Watch it Liam." she stuck out her index finger at him glaring.

"Stop making the fact we're not blood related a big deal then. You're not five." he countered. "Also remember that I'm well known here in Wellington. People outside will know about me more, since I make the effort of meeting people and put my name out there without taking someone to bed. I do it the proper way unlike you. I care about carrying Wellington's image the way it has been for generations and I'll never stop to."

"Done ranting?" she displayed a fake smile.

"You're cute." Liam chuckled teasing her.

"Shut it."

"But on a more serious note, you should seriously do something for Genevieve. You didn't bother doing anything when she announced she was expecting and now her birthday passed. I already wished her on your behalf but still. It's your turn now."

"You did what?! That whore doesn't deserve anything from me! Liam, I could care less if she fell into a ditch and died. In fact, I would fucking celebrate! You know very well I hate that bitch's guts. She's carrying a half blood royal inside of her and that's disgusting. She doesn't deserve shit from me."

"It's that time of the month, huh?" Liam crossed his arms smirking.

"You think you're fucking hilarious?" Aria squinted her eyes.

"I try." he grinned. "Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now. I've had an amazing night and I don't need you to ruin it. So if you'll excuse me..." Liam brushed past her and walked into his room.

Aria stared at the door of Liam's room fuming. She felt as if she was going to explode but she contained herself.

Liam opened the door again and poked his head out. "Just remember to put the kingdom's name before yours. Our main job is too represent Wellington at its best. So think about it next time when you wanna kill someone for simply upsetting you by having a child with their husband. Night." he closed the door after sending a smile her way.

"I'm going to behead you first Liam." she grumbled.


The next morning Aria woke up and stared at the ceiling above, past the deep red chiffon canopy that draped over her. Liam's words from last night repeated through her head like a broken cassette. She agreed he had a point and was correct about Wellington's honour. But she also had an intense emotion of hate raging within her towards the princess of Genovia. Alongside with that, she also wasn't going to rest until Prince Zayn was all hers. Decisions of what to do ran in her head. Too many thoughts occupied her mind currently and that only made it more difficult to come to a conclusion. She decided to get up first and freshen up before doing anything else.

After washing up and changing clothes, Aria headed downstairs for breakfast. As much as she wanted to come up with a solution but not think about it continuously and waste her time, her thoughts raced through her head causing her to lose her appetite midway of completing her breakfast. As she made her way back to her room, an idea sparked in her mind. A sly grin tugged at her lips as she grabbed her phone to make a call to someone in Genovia.

Genevieve was searching through on the laptop for more information on pregnancy to help herself, when her cellphone rang. Seeing it was an unknown number, she scrunched her eyebrows due to curiosity and answered.


"Hi Genevieve. It's Aria."

"Oh." the princess was taken by surprise. "Hi Aria."

"How are you?"

"Good." Genevieve found it really odd that the princess of Wellington bothered to give her a ring and ask about her. "Um how'd you get my number? I'm sure we've never exchanged our numbers. Not that I recall of doing so."

Aria let out a chuckle. "I have my ways Genevieve. So anyway I heard you're expecting and it was your birthday recently? Busy girl, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Genevieve smiled.

"Well anyway congratulations on both the occasions."

"Thank you Aria. Means a lot."

"Yeah whatever." Aria snapped. "So anyway, I thought of doing something for the little one on the way and you."

"You have?" Genevieve continued to be surprised from Aria's unusual behaviour.

"Uh huh. I'm gonna throw you a baby shower!"

"What?" the Genovian princess' eyes went wide.

"Sounds fun, huh? I'll invite all the other princesses and whoever the hell you want me to. I'm guessing you only have that one friend who I saw when I first met you?"

"Yes, and her name's Madeline."

"Right. Well I hope to see you in Wellington tomorrow Genevieve."

"Thank you again Aria."

"See you soon! Bye."

"Bye Aria."

Genevieve put her phone down and stared at it with utter confusion. She had no idea what was going on or what had happened to Princess Aria. She guessed Aria was finally changing her ways and working on becoming a better person.

LOL who even reads this fanfic now? :):

Big things coming up very soon aka the real drama begins and won't end until the very end of this story :))

VOTE & COMMENT PLEASE! (ghost readers upset me greatly and don't motivate me at all)

- B1DL

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