You're adding me to what list, again?

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Having your story added to a list is a cool thing. Not as cool as knowing for sure that your story got read, voted, or commented on, but it's pretty cool. Unless of course the list sucks. That happens. Here is the second installment of "You're adding me to what list?". 

Here are a few of the good ones first--

My story Blonde Moments: Life with a blonde teenage daughter got added just today to "THE BEST BOOKS ON PLANET EARTH!".   Yep, best on planet Earth. Now don't go bother checking because your story is not on there, I already checked. I know what you're thinking, it's just good on planet Earth. And you're right about that. There are seven other planets in our solar system (sorry Pluto still doesn't count) and I am only on the list of best books on one. Give me time. 

My story Police Stories: Moment's in Time got added to "STORIES THAT CHANGED MY MIND". I am adding this one on here but I could be wrong that it is a good thing. Maybe they liked cops and my stories made them change their mind and  now they hate cops. I am just trying to keep it positive here. 

My story The Body  got added to the list "TRULY MAGICAL STORIES". Awwww. Yep, I'm a magician with words. Suck it Wattpadders. 

Here are the ones that were maybe not so good--

My story The Body was added to the list "NOT INTERESTED".   See now this isn't as bad as it sounds. This reader had to remind themselves that they were not interested in this one in case they came across it again and would suddenly become interested in it. They weren't taking any chances. They want it. They want it bad. They don't trust themselves around my book. They were just playing it safe. I respect that.  

My story Sunflowers was added to the list "GARDENING TIPS".  No. No. No. Did you even read the description? Where in the hell did it say I was going to teach you how to grow sunflowers? And who the hell would need help growing sunflowers? They are weeds! They are everywhere! They don't need your help! Read the damn description next time!

My story In Search of Alex Fuentes  was placed on the list "MISSING PERSONS STORIES". Ugh. You are giving me a headache people. Seriously. I want to shoot you. Read the description!

My story Things I Wish I Could Forget  was actually placed on a list called "THINGS I WISH I COULD FORGET".  I don't know how to feel about that. Was it so bad that they want to forget it? Or do they just want to forget the things that I wrote that I wished I could forget? Or maybe there are a bunch of other stories out there called Things I Wish I Could Forget and they are going to put them all in there! You people need think through these things through. You are pissing me off.

You know which list I hate to be put on the most? Many of you have a list called "Already Read". When you think about that it is not a bad list to be put on. Someone read your book. Or did they? LIARS!!!! Almost every time I see my books placed on that list I look at the profile of the person that put it in there and think to myself, " I don't know you  man. I don't know you at all. That story had 30 chapters in it and I never saw you in a single notification throwing me a vote or a comment. You're full of crap. Already read it? Shit. How bout I give you a quiz and let's see how you do? Yeah, that's what I thought."

Well, that's enough for today. In the end it is better to be put on some list than no list at all I guess, maybe. Thanks for the fun Wattpadders.


Go follow these people or you will be left behind. I'm serious, way behind. Like being held back a grade in school. 






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