You're adding me to what list?

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Just recently I made any notice of Wattpad's list thingy to organize some of my reading. For the nearly 2 years I have been on Wattpad I have just had the generic "thealvarezchronicle's reading list", "poetry", and "already read". Don't know why I have that last one. Why anyone cares what I already read is beyond me. 

Recently I have been trying to create and organize that list. Make something useful to me so I can organize my reading. I took a look recently at the list and I found a couple of books that I now wonder what the hell I was thinking when I put them on my reading list. I do crazy things some times. Really, it happens. 

Almost every day I will have several of my stories put on various lists. Mostly good. For instance I have had my books put on these lists:

Best reads ever!

Books that make me think

Oh My God! (OK, not really sure if that was a compliment)

Rants worth reading

Alvarez (wow, my own list just for me, go ahead be jealous)

This belongs in a bookstore! (probably as door stop but I love the sentiment) 

Love this!

Blew my mind!

And so on and so on. That is cool. I am glad people have found some of my books worthy of adding to their lists.  But recently I have found my books on lists that make me wonder what the hell the reader was thinking:

Romance stories! -- My book "The Body" was put on this list. The books is about a murder case I worked. I hope this was a mistake. If not then this reader has a really weird sense of what romance is. I hate to see what Valentine"s Day looks like at their house. 

Bathroom reading! - Hmmm....I don't know what to feel about this one. My "Chasing Wattpad" book was placed on this list. To be honest I have read some of my favorite books in the bathroom so maybe that is a good thing. Or maybe it means that this person can't read my stuff without first making room for other crap. Don't know. It's a mystery.

Don't read this crap! - How have I offended thee? My book "Welcome to the Real World" was put on this list (you didn't even know I had a book called this didn't you? Shame on you!). I checked the list and it was the only one on there. I actually feel honored about this. It was meant to offend you!

My ass hurts! -- Well. Okay. My book "Blonde Moments" was put on this list by a reader. I am kind of hoping her ass hurts when she laughs a lot and that is what she meant. I was alone on this list also. Crap like this keeps me up at night!

Stories that make me laugh-- My poem "Questions" was put on this list by a reader. Yes, I wrote a poem once. IT WAS NOT FUNNY!  What the hell is wrong with you! It was deep and thoughtful and all those other cool words that people use to describe things that are deep and thoughtful! Get help!!!!

Creepy Reads --- My story "The Obituary" was put on this list by a reader. It was about my mom and my daughter you jerk. Your momma is creepy. 

Already read-- Seriously? I don't remember you. It has 30 chapters and not one damn vote or comment from you. What. the. hell.

True Stories- Wow. I have written 36 stories things on here and the only one you put on your "True Stories" list is the only one that is not true. Seriously, my only fiction piece I ever wrote makes it to your true stories list?  (It was my "Strange Times" story, and yeah, I know, you didn't know about that one either).  Did you notice it takes place in the future? 

Well, that's enough for today. I guess it's a good thing to be put on any list (even "my ass hurts")  than not to be noticed at all. Beggars can't be choosers. 

I hope all you readers and writers are having a good day.


Go do a drive-by on these pages. They are cool.  You won't regret it. 





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