Chapter 7

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*Two days later*

Lexi's pov://

I can't believe we both have to leave today. These past few days have been amazing. I have just forgotten about everything bad in my life and been truly happy. He makes me happy like no one else can. I really hope we can make something work. I don't know what I would do if I don't have him anymore.

"You ready?" Jack asked sighing.

"I guess." I replied and hopped out of the cab.

Jack took his suitcase and grabbed mine for me and started pulling them as we walked into the airport with G. We went through security, and I waited with them at their gate since their flight boarded first. I stood in Jack's arms and his chin resting in my head as we waited dreading leaving each other. Their flight was called and I sighed. Jack let go of me and I hugged G tightly.

"Thank you for everything. I'm gonna miss you." I whispered.

"I'll miss you too Lex. I'll see you again sometime." He replied and squeezed me tightly before letting go.

I walked back to Jack and stood on my tiptoes pressing my lips to his. He held me close by my waist rubbing my sides. I pulled away and looked into his eyes seeing sadness.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He spoke.

"I'm gonna miss you way more." I replied a smile creeping it's way onto my face.

"Not possible.... I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." I said and kissed his lips one last time and hugged him tightly.

We let go and he picked up his bag and him and G started walking towards the gate. He turned around and glanced at me mouthing 'I love you' before he disappeared. I took a deep breath and hurried to my gate. A few minutes later, everyone was boarding. As the plane took off, I looked out the window. I'm leaving the place I fell in love. This has been one of the craziest weeks of my life, but a good kind of crazy. I can't wait to see him again, but I need to really focus on work when I get back home.

After I finished unpacking everything, I decided I should train some before I shower. I lost my stamina way to quick and would be gone if Jack didn't save me. I changed into a sports bra and spandex with my Nike tennis shoes and went downstairs into my office. I walked to the back door and placed my palm on the scanner and the walls split reveling my training area and other stuff. I walked in and shut the doors.

After maybe two hours of nonstop training, I skipped up to my room and grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. I put on joggers and a plain v-neck t-shirt and brushed out my wet hair. I went back in my room and grabbed my glasses and grabbed my phone going back down to my office.

I plopped down in my spinny chair and switched my computer on scrolling through my emails. Wow, I was so caught up in Jack I never told Alli I completed the mission. I feel so bad. I face timed her on my phone and propped it up on my computer so she could see me. She answered almost instantly.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Hey! Mission went great. I'm so sorry I never told you! I just got caught up with... stuff." I trailed off.

"Oh come on you never do anything other than work. Did you meet a guy or something?" She smirked.

"Well you got me." I giggled.

"OMG! I'm coming over right now and you are telling me everything!" She yelled exitedly.

"Haha okay. Pick up some Chipotle or something." I replied.

"Will do. See you in a bit." She ended the call.

I finished reading through all of my pointless emails, and my phone started ringing. I looked the called I.D. and saw it was Jack. (J) I smiled and answered it.

Phone call

J- Hey baby
L- Hey
J- Just got to Germany. I am so exited, but I miss you already.
L- I miss you more. And I really need to listen to your music. I'm bout to listen to it.
J- I hope you like it.
L- Well I like you so I'm sure I'll like it.
J- Haha, okay but I like you more.
L-No I like you way more obviously.
J- Well I love you so ha! I win
L- I love you. Hm, I can just see the smirk on your face right now.
J- You're not wrong
L- When am I ever wrong?
J- Oh my god. You're not
L- I know
J- Why am I so in love with you again?
L- I don't know.
J- Ah, I remember now.
L- Why?
J- Because you're amazing and beautiful and perfect.
L- Aw thanks babe. I love you.
J- I love you more.
L- S-

The doorbell rang cutting me off.

L- Hey Alli's here. I'll talk to you later.
J- Okay I love you.
L- Love you too bye.

End of phone call

I rushed to the front door and saw Alli sitting in the kitchen eating already.

"Oh hey there." I laughed.

"I missed you!" She exclaimed and hugged me really tight.

"I missed you too, but you're kind of killing me here." I spoke.

"Oh sorry." She giggled and let go. "Now come on, let's eat and you can tell me everything!" She exclaimed dragging me to the table.


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