Chapter 3

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Lexi's pov://

I was awoken from my nice nap to my watch beeping again and I sat up and answered the call.

Agency- We have something. A big something.
Lexi- What is it?
Agency- There's a secret room on the top floor that someone is going in and out of. We have watched security footage, and they have carried many boxes and parts of equitment. The equipment for the laser. It has to be them.
Lexi- That's great! What is my mission?
Agency- It's tonight but I'll send you the details.
Lexi- Alright. Thanks Betty.
Agency- Your welcome sweetie. Good luck.

I ended the call and the message came in.

Mission 481:

Time: Tonight at 8pm

Location: top floor secret room

Mission: try to get in the secret room undetected and find out if it's the people we want. If it is, do NOT apprehend. It's too dangerous to do by yourself. Get an I.D. recognition and get back out as soon as possible. Code to the room is: AQ2379810


Okay. I need to get ready. It's already 7:33pm. I got up and washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth. I pulled my hair half up half down and changed into my mission clothes which consists of a solid black tank top, a black leather jacket, black leggings, black boots, my black smart watch, my glasses, and the necklace my parents gave me. I then grabbed my pistol and knives and hid them. Alright and ... Oh yeah, earpeice. I put in my earpiece and hooked it up. Okay 7:58. Time to go. I quietly stepped out into the hallway and luckily no one was there. I got in the empty elevator and went up to the top floor, rooftop. The elevator made a 'ding' sound and I stepped out and looked around.  It's like a rooftop garden over looking the city. It's beautiful. I turned on my watch and switched on the hologram map of the rooftop. Okay the secret room entrance is by the rose bushes in the corner. I turned my watch off and quietly crept over to the rose bushes. I bent down at the entrance and put in the code. It worked and a small opening opened with another code needed.

"Betty, I need the other code." I whispered into my earpiece.

"64385" she replied.

I put in the code and it opened to a larger passage into pitch black. I stepped in and turned on the night vision in my glasses. I walked through the passage until I saw light. I turned off my glasses and pressed my back against the wall of the tunnel moving forwards slowly. I peaked in the room and saw someone putting together some kind of laser. It has to be them, but I need a better look. They looked pretty distracted, so I snuck into the room and hid behind a table in the corner. Another guy walked out of a door in the room holding a man tied up. The threw the man on the ground and pointed a gun at him.

"You keep your mouth shut if you want to live another minute." The guy growled.

I heard footsteps in the tunnel and everyone's head snapped to the tunnel. Whoever it is obviously isn't supposed to be here.

"Lexi I saw you come in-" Jack said before one of the guys grabbed him and put a gun to his head.

Shoot Jack. What am I supposed to do.

"Why are you here!"  The man yelled.

Okay, before Jack can say anything and get shot, I need to do something. I don't want to shoot them, so I pulled out one of my knives instead. I snuck up behind the first guy and grabbed his arm and flipped him to the floor. I hurried and grabbed Jack and threw him behind me and knocked the other guy down, but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down. I kicked him and rolled over and jumped up. He had gotten up too and I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and grabbed the other holding him there so he couldn't do anything and put my gun up to the back of his head. I felt a gun put up to my head and it clicked.

Mission 481 (Jack Johnson) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now