Chapter 2

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Lexi's pov://

I awoke to my watch beeping. Ugh. I opened my eyes and accepted the call.

Agency- We have been through the list and are sending you a list of suspicious people to get more information on. We need the filled out information report as soon as possible.
Lexi- Okay. Will do.
Agency- Alright thanks.
Lexi- Yep.

*end of call*

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time seeing it was almost eight o'clock. This is too early for me, but after I get the list of people, maybe I can find some of them down in the lobby at breakfast. I got up and grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. I put on some jeans, a Dolphins sweatshirt, and plain black vans. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I straightened my hair and put on mascara. I put my watch and glasses on and checked the list.


Don Marshall
Andy Fitzgerald
Jesse Lant
Adriana Carae
Jasper Penn and Tucker White
Lucas and Jenny Watson 
Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson

Note: the names listed together may be working together. We need the information sheet below filled out for everyone. It can be filled out electronically.


That list is so long. I might as well start now. I grabbed my phone and went down for breakfast. I got a bowl of cereal and sat down at a small table. I turned on the person identification on my glasses to see if anyone matches the list I got. First match. Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. Great both of them. I looked at them and noticed one was the boy from last night. Oh gosh. Hopefully he won't notice me. I started filling out the information sheet on my watch with help from my glasses. They tell me age and anything I can't see.

Name: Jack Johnson
Age: 19
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eye color: blue
Beard or mustache: no
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska

Name: Jack Gilinsky
Age: 19
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Beard or mustache: no
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska

That wasn't too hard. I sent the reports and continued eating my cereal while scanning for more matches. Match found. Don Marshall. Time to fill out another sheet.

Name: Don Marshall
Age: 27
Hair Color: black
Eye color: green
Beard or mustache: yes
Hometown: New York City, New York

I then finished my cereal and just started walking around in the huge lobby. I found a smoothie bar and got in line. I love smoothies. I decided to scan for more matches. Match found. Jesse Lant.

Name: Jesse Lant
Age: 21
Hair Color: blonde
Eye color: blue
Beard or mustache: no
Hometown: Richmond, Kentucky

I sent that one in and heard some guys walk up and stand in line behind me. I peered over my shoulder and saw it was the two guys that were both named Jack. Shoot. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. I was in line for a few more mines and finally got to order.

"Blueberry smoothie please." I said and the guy taking orders wrote it down on a cup then asked for my name.

"Um. Alexis." I said and he wrote it down.

Jack knows me by Lexi, if he even remembers, so I should be okay. I paid for my smoothie and was stepping to the side when I heard "Lexi?"

I turned around and saw Jack. "Oh. Hey Jack." I said.

"JJ, is this the girl you were talking about?" The other Jack asked. Aw. He was talking about me. I smiled to myself and probably blushed.

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