Chapter 20

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Mattie came over after work. "Hey girl, how you holdin' up?" he asked.

"Actually, I didn't have too bad of a day," I said.

The look on his face told me he was in utter shock. "Really?"

"Yeah, I filled out an application to get on a waiting list for jobs overseas."

"Good for you," he said. "Stick it to your mother. She'll be sorry when you're gone. And actually, I'll be sorry too. Wait. How long are you planning on going for?"

"I don't know," I said. "When a job comes up, they phone and give me all the details. Then decide whether I want it or not. The beauty of it is that they might be able to find something in my field, so I could be getting great experience while this paparazzi mess dies down."

"How is it that I didn't know you could do that?"

"I didn't either until I saw the ad in the newspaper. The only crappy thing is I'm going to have to find a roommate I can trust to take care of the place while I'm gone. If I even get a job, that is."

"I wish I could help, but my lease is iron clad. I'm not going anywhere for at least another eight months."

I made a pouty face.

"Don't worry," he said. "This is a great apartment, you'll find someone."

I sighed. "Look at what happened with Calla though. And she's been my friend forever. If I couldn't trust her, how am I supposed to find a stranger I can trust?"

"It's okay Josie," Mattie said. "You can still trust your instincts. The Calla thing was just one little incident. She's obviously got bigger problems than you or I ever knew about."

I nodded, but I wasn't convinced. I'd grown up with Calla. She was my best friend for years. In high school she'd had a lot of emotional problems, but I thought she'd left all that behind her.

"Now for the real reason I'm here," Mattie said. "I am making it my mission to get you out of this house. Now I know you're a little strapped for cash right now, so it will be my treat. We can go to a movie or something."

"I am not leaving this house," I said.

"Oh yes you are."

"Mattie! There are still reporters camped out outside my door!"

"So? That didn't bother you before."

"Um. The whole world didn't know every embarrassing moment of my life before," I reminded him.

"Oh come on," he said. "It's not that bad. In fact, some of the stars they interviewed on 'Entertainment News' said you were great! They loved that you were so very... human. And they thought that you were absolutely hilarious."

My eyes widened. "They did a story about the article on TV!"

"Um, yes," Mattie said. "But really, I'm telling you. It was very favorable. Someone said they should turn your diary into a book. They were dying to hear more."

"Oh God," I said flopping down on the couch.

"Seriously Josie, they all thought Calla was a bitch and you were completely entertaining. I think it's going to be good for you to get out in public and show them that something like this isn't going to hold you back. You are a fabulous woman who will not apologize for farting."

I broke out laughing. "Oh my God Mattie, I am way too nervous." I groaned. "How am I going to pretend to be all confident and not let on that my entire life has just fallen apart?"

Bridesmaid Lotto (USA Today bestselling author)Where stories live. Discover now